1. Alone
Famous Poem
Lying, thinking
Last night
How to find my soul a home
Where water is not thirsty
Most friendships only last for a particular phase of our lives. When that developmental period is over, the friendship may dissolve. For a friendship to last a lifetime there must be something really special between you. There must be a connection that transcends time and space. This kind of a friendship also takes a certain flexibility. People change throughout their lifetimes and they must continue to search for commonalities between themselves if they expect their friendship to endure.
Famous Poem
Lying, thinking
Last night
How to find my soul a home
Where water is not thirsty
I strongly agree with Maya Angelou. Her poem reflects a timely theme. At any age a person might suffer due to loneliness, but worse in the old age. Then one needs physical as well as...
Famous Poem
There is sorrow enough in the natural way
From men and women to fill our day;
And when we are certain of sorrow in store,
Why do we always arrange for more?
I know I will be moving through grieving for my lost buddy Nova when I can read this poem without choking up. I am not yet close to that, I just tried, which is natural. This poem is the...
Famous Poem
I will not play at tug o' war.
I'd rather play at hug o' war,
Where everyone hugs
Instead of tugs,
Thanks for the simple but profound poem. I am a bus driver and I strive to be the open heart and guide for my children who ride with me. It is not always easy to hear what they have to say or...
Famous Poem
I do not say new friends are not considerate and true,
Or that their smiles ain't genuine, but still I'm tellin' you
That when a feller's heart is crushed and achin' with the pain,
And teardrops come a-splashin' down his cheeks like summer rain,
Famous Poem
There are two kinds of people on earth to-day;
Just two kinds of people, no more, I say.
Not the sinner and saint, for it’s well understood,
Famous Poem
Within this false world we may count ourselves blest,
If we have but one friend who is faithful and true;
And so in your friendship contented I'll rest,
And believe I have found that one blessing in you.
Famous Poem
Let me come in where you are weeping, friend,
And let me take your hand.
I, who have known a sorrow such as yours,
Can understand.
Famous Poem
Wherever I am, there's always Pooh,
There's always Pooh and Me.
Whatever I do, he wants to do,
"Where are you going today?" says Pooh:
Well my name is Rahma and my best friend is called Innocent. We have been friends for 10 years now since I was in primary school. He was good at math, and I was great in English. Our...
Famous Poem
I shot an arrow into the air,
It fell to earth, I knew not where;
For, so swiftly it flew, the sight
Could not follow it in its flight.
When I was a boy, my mother would read poetry and classic literature to me before I was even old enough to attend school. Longfellow's "The Arrow and the Song" was one I easily memorized, and...
Famous Poem
I hold him dearest who aspires
To kindle in my heart the fires
Of best desires.
Famous Poem
Analysis of Form and Technique
I was angry with my friend:
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.
A Poison Tree is a short and deceptively simple poem about repressing anger and the consequences of doing so. The speaker tells of how they fail to communicate their wrath to their foe and...
Famous Poem
My dog has died.
I buried him in the garden
next to a rusted old machine.
Famous Poem
When a friend calls to me from the road
And slows his horse to a meaning walk,
I don't stand still and look around
On all the hills I haven't hoed,
Excellent! The case almost unattended in today's crazily hasty waste of morality and spirituality in favor of modernity! A nice moral lesson for those entrapped in the network of virtual...
Famous Poem
After the fierce midsummer all ablaze
Has burned itself to ashes, and expires
In the intensity of its own fires,
There come the mellow, mild, St. Martin days
Famous Poem
I knew a man by sight,
A blameless wight,
Who, for a year or more,
Had daily passed my door,
This poem is amazing, and it's touching and shows us this particular experience. I love the way the poet portrays this event.
Famous Poem
I never came to you, my friend,
and went away without
some new enrichment of the heart;
More faith and less of doubt,