Famous Friendship Poem

In the poem "Thank You Friend," Grace Noll Crowell expresses deep gratitude and appreciation for their friend's presence in their life. Through heartfelt words, the poem highlights the enriching and comforting impact the friend has had. The speaker acknowledges the friend's support, describing their love and friendship as invaluable and beyond adequate expression. The poem concludes with a heartfelt blessing, emphasizing the cherished bond between the speaker and their precious friend.

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Famous Poem

Thank You Friend

By more Grace Noll Crowell

I never came to you, my friend,
and went away without
some new enrichment of the heart;
More faith and less of doubt,
more courage in the days ahead.
And often in great need coming to you,
I went away comforted indeed.
How can I find the shining word,
the glowing phrase that tells all that
your love has meant to me,
all that your friendship spells?
There is no word, no phrase for
you on whom I so depend.
All I can say to you is this,
God bless you precious friend.


more Grace Noll Crowell

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