21. Becoming A Dad
Famous Poem
Old women say that men don't know
The pain through which all mothers go,
And maybe that is true, and yet
I vow I never shall forget
Famous Poem
Old women say that men don't know
The pain through which all mothers go,
And maybe that is true, and yet
I vow I never shall forget
F is for Friendly; with him, fun times I share.
A is for Amazing; his heart is full of compassion and care.
T is for Truthful; his values have helped me stand tall.
H is for Helpful; his generosity is valued by all.
You held me up when I was weak.
You hugged me close when tears I'd weep.
When things got hard, you pushed me through.
You always showed me you loved me true.
My dad passed away 2 months ago and I can not forget and my mom and I are sad. I know that he is not in any more pain in heaven.
I was not sure what to get you
On this very special day
So I decided to write this poem from my heart
I have some things I need to say:
Through you I have learned to show dedication. Even though it has been hard times but in future I know that you will always be with me as well as I will be with you Amen
It seems like only yesterday
With a teardrop in my eye
That you were born into this world
With a whimper and a cry
To my baby girl, Larissa Coleman. No matter where you are, remember to hold your heart 'cause mom is with you.
Analysis of Form and Technique
To a dad who is terrific,
To a dad who's real neat,
To a dad who makes the best of things,
Even when they're not so sweet!
Not many people can say
they have a true friend
Someone that stands by your side
and shows devotion with no end
I know that I'm not perfect, and I'm sure you know that too,
But it means the world to know that I can always talk to you.
I am sure you didn't expect all this when you took me in to stay.
But you still loved me enough that you did it anyway.
The pleasure I gain
From being a Dad
Is down to my children,
All three that I've had.
I was looking for a poem about my step-son's love for his three children, now that he and their mother are divorced, to put on a scrapbook page of him and the children, and this poem was...
I have to tell you how I feel
Sometimes my words may not seem real
You do what you do to make me laugh when I cry
This poem had me crying so hard!! It's a great poem.
As a kid when I watched you walk,
Leaving behind your foot mark,
I leaped and jumped to match that stride,
Never succeeded however hard I tried.
Sometimes life throws us curve balls,
And nothing he does is fair.
We know we have a lot of differences,
But with a dad's love, who cares?
This poem made me tear up just from reading it. It's so relatable and definitely made me appreciate my father much more. I love you dad!
Feeling lost without him
Feeling empty too
I used to be my daddy's girl
This I know was true.
I'm so sorry for your loss. Your story really touched my heart today. I am separated from my daughter now and I am sad everyday. She is 17 and I send her cards and letters. But I wish I could...
To my dear family,
I'm sending this from above,
That even though I'm gone from earth,
I can still feel your love,
I LOVE THIS POEM. I have no words to express my feelings. I lost my heart I lost my life I lost everything. I remember my dad who passed away almost four year ago. Aug 24 2010, when I was...
In your eyes, I see grace,
Full of love and encased
With a hope that burns bright in the dark.
Through your love, I know God.
My dad has always been there for me at times when I think I can't keep going, but he never stops telling me that I can accomplish anything in my life.
Photographs of you holding me in your arms,
You protected me from any kind of harm,
You influenced me to play guitar,
I was always your number one rock star.
I wish my dad understood what he has put me through. He treats me like this every 3 month and in the 4th month he want to see me and make sure I am ok. But I'm not telling him how I'm really...
He grew up in a town where people were poor,
In a family quite wealthy with love.
He was raised by two parents who were stable but strict
And taught him to trust God above.
My dad joined the Navy, but he is with me still today. I am sorry for your loss.
The child held to her
daddy's hand.
She stood upon his feet,
and as they danced to the music,
I loved the poem but I really can't relate to it because it was hard for my dad when he was growing up because he never had anyone like the little girl does in the poem. He never had a father...
My hero never fought in a war
He never drove a big fancy car
He did not go very far in school
But he lived his life by the golden rule
This is so well worded. It reminds me exactly of my own upbringing and father. I am one of seven children raised during the depression. Dad was a carpenter and when building ceased, he and...
I have the very perfect dad,
That is something anyone could see.
But I don't know if I've told him
Exactly what he means to me.
Wow, this is a beautiful poem. I love it. I can tell you wrote this poem from your heart.