1. The Cross Of Snow
Famous Poem
In the long, sleepless watches of the night,
A gentle face — the face of one long dead —
Looks at me from the wall, where round its head
The night-lamp casts a halo of pale light.
When we take our vows and say, "until death do we part," we are lying to ourselves. Death only brings a physical departure. A marriage and the bond between a husband and wife make two people into one. That means that even when we lose a wife, we are still left with that special love that burns inside and never dies. That internal love burns on even if our wife is no longer with us. Clinging to that love inside of us, even if it can never be physically expressed, should carry us and sustain us in her passing.
Famous Poem
In the long, sleepless watches of the night,
A gentle face — the face of one long dead —
Looks at me from the wall, where round its head
The night-lamp casts a halo of pale light.
I still say I Love You,
But now there's no reply.
I always feel your presence
As if you never left my side.
It's 21 years since I lost my lovely wife, after 35 years of marriage. It's the anniversary tomorrow. I was so in love with her. When we went to the supermarket. I would leave her to...
Still I hear those voices
From a time so long ago.
I see so many faces
But not the one I love and know.
A beautiful poem
I have just lost my Wife Teresa on Sep 5th after 56 years of marriage I feel empty and lost and hurting inside. I miss her so much she was the love of my life.
Remember all those happy days, those times she called our own
In all those well-loved places where you now grieve alone.
And those small endearing gestures, which you thought you knew so well,
Are fading, as time passes, with her words, her kiss, her smell.
I lost my wife on my birthday this past January. She was in ICU for 3 months, and I didn't expect to lose her. We were married for 28 years and had been together for 32 years. I spent those...
Is it truly selfish to want you back again?
I could not calm your mind, I could not ease your pain;
I thought my love would be enough to keep you here with me;
But now I know that was never going to be.
This poem affected me deeply, summing up the emptiness of losing the one who makes you whole. On the 12th of July 2016 it will be 4 years since I lost my beautiful wife Jane. We had been...
I choose to be thankful
Not to be sad
For all of the wonderful
Years that we had
When a loved one passes on,
Their spirit never dies.
And as we journey on alone,
They're always by our side.
Gentlemen (and ladies),
My heart goes out to you. I need help. I will be gone soon. My wife has had to endure my sufferings and deal with all that comes with my disease. Before marriage, I...
When you go away,
As I know you will,
Please wait for me
Just beyond the hill.
In a silent world of forgotten dreams,
Where disappointments and heartaches lie.
A world where hopes and dreams have died
And bid their last goodbye.
I have fought the feelings
And emotions inside
That fills and empties me,
Like a fast rolling tide.
I lost my wife on January 1, 2021 from breast cancer. She was only 40 years old. We share 3 beautiful kids. We met when she was 17 in a night club. At midnight 24 years later, I gave her a...
When I try to take a break
and relax in my busy life,
my heart, it does ache,
and all I think is how I miss my wife.
I lost my wife on February 4th, 2021 to cancer after 4-and-a-half-year battle in remission. Nothing prepares you for it. I had a lovely 12 years with her, but now it feels like I have lost...
Please do not weep, for we must depart.
I'll always be there, there in your heart.
A little tiny piece, a tiny little part
Of the friendship and love we did impart.
The moon wasn't full, the stars weren't bright
I held you close, but it wasn't at night
At the top of a tower, on a rainy day
I kissed you because I had no words to say.
They said time would ease the pain.
Every day I still feel the same.
I wake every morning reaching for you,
My pillow soaked with my tears like the morning dew.
Death Anniversary - I lost my wife to brain cancer on July 16, 2003. We were married for 5 years. We took her to the best hospital in Pakistan, and at third stage we thought we had beaten it...
Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries are hard,
But Valentine's Day seems the hardest of all.
Christmas I celebrate with all I hold dear,
Though your absence is felt through all of the cheer.
Lost my beautiful bride of 19 years on February 26, 2016. We were married on Valentine’s Day 1997. Wish I could have another 19 years with her. Valentine’s Day will never be the same. Tears...
I set aside a season for my love
And a garden to remember her by;
So that upon the chime of the new moon
My dear love would arrive.
Lovely and beauteous elegy poem about your beloved late wife. A fine and tender tribute, Eric. My very best wishes for the contest.
As the shower tried to wash away
the dust and grime of the day
my grief ran down my face as well
my cries were muted as the tears fell
Now that you're gone and I'm alone
To face the future on my own,
I wonder how, as day by day,
I struggle hard to find a way,
I too have lost my husband of 58 years. I didn't really know what grief was until after his death. I also began writing late in life. I went to a writing for well-being course after my...