Wife Death Poem

Poem About Being Lost Without Wife

I was down tonight thinking of my wife who passed away in April 2011. I decided to try writing something out, and I would love to know what you think.

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I lost my wife on February 4th, 2021 to cancer after 4-and-a-half-year battle in remission. Nothing prepares you for it. I had a lovely 12 years with her, but now it feels like I have lost...

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Missing My Wife


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2011 with permission of the Author.

When I try to take a break
and relax in my busy life,
my heart, it does ache,
and all I think is how I miss my wife.

It hurts me so bad,
all this pain inside,
thinking of the love we had
and the tears I have cried.

I think of the places that we went to,
how I love you with all my heart
and all the things we didn't get to do,
but most of all how we have been torn apart.

I miss you so
and love you still.
I did not want to let you go,
but I tell myself it was God's will.

Every day I see things you've done.
It is lonely without you here.
I try to be strong for our wonderful son,
but all I can do is drink another beer.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jamie Jones by Jamie Jones
  • 3 years ago

I lost my wife 2 months ago after an 8-year fight against cancer. We had 23 years together and a lovely family, but nothing can replace the love that I have lost. I no longer smile or laugh. I just cannot shift the feeling on loneliness and hopelessness that I feel all the time. I know I must keep going for the children, but when they don't need me anymore, what then?

  • Frank by Frank
  • 2 years ago

if you raised them with love, they will always love you back and need you. My wife died 16 years ago. While I was at work, my son called me. I went to the hospital, and she was in a coma from a stroke. They operated, but three days later she died. It was like a bullet in the heart. My kids still worry about me 16 years later after they are married now with kids of their own. I know each day is hard. I am retired now and try to get through by keeping busy until the day I hope I see her again. She was my one true love.

  • Derek Sanderson by Derek Sanderson
  • 3 years ago

I lost my wife on February 4th, 2021 to cancer after 4-and-a-half-year battle in remission. Nothing prepares you for it. I had a lovely 12 years with her, but now it feels like I have lost everything in life. I used to be a happy person, but not anymore. I used to love to wake up in the morning to my wife being there, but not anymore. I feel so lost in everything. They say time heals. I don't think I'll ever heal. I'm having a real bad time coping with it at the moment, but I know how others feel. It is the hardest thing in life to lose someone so close.

  • Frank by Frank
  • 1 year ago

My wife has been dead for 17 years. I was working, and my son called me. I rushed home and then to the hospital. After 3 days in a coma, she died. It was a brain stroke. We were married 25 years. Fast forward to 2023. My son got married and had a daughter who is cute as can be. I have been alone all these years missing her and thinking about what she missed. I have continued to try and keep busy. I am retired. It has not been easy. I have never loved anyone as much as my wife. We fit like a glove. You never get over missing your wife, but you must continue to live until it's your time.

  • John Jones by John Jones
  • 4 years ago

When Velda & I take our vows and say, "Until death do us part," we are lying to ourselves. Death only brings a physical departure. A marriage and the bond between a husband and wife make two people into one. That means that even when we lose a wife, we are still left with that special love that burns inside and never dies. That internal love burns on even if our wife is no longer with us. Clinging to that love inside of us, even if it can never be physically expressed, should carry us and sustain us in her passing.

  • Nathan by Nathan
  • 2 years ago

I have never been married (I'm still young), but I have loved and lost (though not through death). I just want to say I love your words. I also believe marriage makes two people into one, and death can never separate that bond. God bless you.

  • Steve Daniels by Steve Daniels
  • 3 years ago

I lost my wife of 45 years to ALS three years ago. You are right John, though the body may perish, the love never dies. I wrote poems about my grief as a way of healing. I offer one of many if ok with you.

The Empty Chair

Sometimes I simply sit and stare
And gaze upon that empty chair.
Dwell upon those days gone by
And ponder why she had to die.

The experts were all quick to say
We'll find a cure for sure someday.
All those left must sit and wait
But, for my wife it was too late.

  • Jack Cox by Jack Cox
  • 5 years ago

On February 9, 2017, after 42 years together, I lost my wife, the love of my life and my best friend! As each day passes, I find it more and more difficult in dealing with her passing. Prior to her passing and not unlike most people, I feared death; however, such fear no longer exists as when my day arrives, I will once again look forward to be holding hands with her. I would like to share with you the following that I drafted in her honor, which at every opportunity I share with family, friends and those who lost a loved one. "Every day when you wake up, cherish the love you have for family, and when you go to bed at night, be grateful, say a prayer and thank God that you can say goodnight to those you love, one more time."

  • John Jones by John Jones
  • 4 years ago

On February 10, 2021, after 41 years together, I lost my wife, the love of my life and my best friend! As each day passes, I find it more and more difficult in dealing with her passing. Prior to her passing and not unlike most people, I feared death; however, such fear no longer exists as when my day arrives, I will once again look forward to holding hands with her. I would like to share with you the following that I drafted in her honor, which at every opportunity I share with family, friends and those who lost a loved one. "Every day when you wake up, cherish the love you have for family, and when you go to bed at night, be grateful, say a prayer and thank God that you can say goodnight to those you love, one more time."

  • Calvin Cumm by Calvin Cumm, Essex NY
  • 9 years ago

I lost my wife in July, we were together 26 years. She was 43 and 18 when we met, I was 27. We had 2 boys and she even came to love my daughter I had before. It hurt so bad, she was sick with Leukemia. I thought no way, and slowly she kept failing treatments. I brought her back from an extreme breakdown in Boston and got her back walking, I brought her back one night with CPR, she was going to Rochester to continue with new treatment that we thought would work things looked good, she came to bed at 4:00 AM I get up at 5:00. She hugged me, went to sleep, and went to god. I tried as so did the paramedics, my sons saw all of this. I miss her so. I'm lost, scared, and trying to do what she did - she was the anchor in our home. She would often tell me and she was right...I will raise my sons, but when time comes for me, I can't wait to be with her again.

  • Leonardp by Leonardp
  • 8 years ago

Hello Calvin....

Your story really, really relates to me. You see as I write this my wife is not with me, you see we still love each other.......she loves me and I love her dearly, and soulfully. But life dictates certain things beyond our control, as I write this my body, mind, and heart are crying. We are physically apart, and the recognition and reality of this is beyond anything I have ever felt...knowing she still exists....but we are not one.

In addition to this, prior to the physical separation of myself and my wife, my mother passed away in November 2015. My parents lived with me, and my father....to this day...cries every night for his wife - my mother. I recently heard him crying at 1:17 am...I went to his room and peered through his door, only to see my Dad, my father, on his knees....crying out to god for his wife, my mother......I began to cry myself...a lot. Right now at this moment we are both without our true-loves, without our wives. I need my wife, my mother........

  • Peter Schwarzenberger by Peter Schwarzenberger, Portland Oregon
  • 9 years ago

I lost my beautiful wife in February 2015 and now 8 months later it is just as tough it was when she passed.
She was an incredible gentle soul always giving of herself. She was my spouse, best friend, lover and companion. I am absolutely lost despite having a good support mechanism.
My beautiful English wife can never be replaced and I accept that but life is so empty without my loved one that at times one wonders why I was robbed of this incredible women.

  • Bob Gates by Bob Gates, Cedar Rapids LA
  • 10 years ago

I want to thank for writing this poem. My wife of 22 years passed away May 7 2014. 3 months tomorrow of a severe brain aneurysm while we were getting ready for work. Our son just turned 17 a month ago. We were able to donate her lungs, kidneys and liver and helped 4 people. I really liked your poem. Thanks

  • Sidney by Sidney, Louisiana
  • 10 years ago

I lost my wife on March 28, 2014. She was 61 years old. We were married for 39 years. We met on a blind date and after dropping her off that first night on the way home with the other couple, I told them that I was going to marry that girl one day. Which we did, two years later. She was sick from the first year of our marriage till the end. I will never stop loving her as I cared for her, body and soul.

  • Ronald by Ronald, Virginia
  • 11 years ago

I just came across this poem and read it, it's heartbreaking but true, I lost my wife on January 16 2014. She was 22 years old, I'm 24, we have a 16 month old son. He was a mamma's boy and he still looks for her everyday. We were married 4 years and now it's so lonely and empty without her.

  • Browning Montana by Browning Montana
  • 11 years ago

I lost my wife of 30 years on November 4 2013. Now I can't stop worrying if she is ok. A part of me wants to protect her and hold her in my arms and tell her how much I love her. But she's not there. I keep expecting her to come home. I just want to hear that soft voice of hers. Every once in a while I need to look at her picture which seems to help with the anxiety.

  • Mark by Mark, Brisbane
  • 11 years ago

I lost my beautiful wife 22 April this year and I've never felt pain like it. Nancy was only 40 and was the most beautiful soul . We were best mates. I nursed my wife in the last three years and that only served to make us even closer. I've cried every day since Nancy passed away and I can't imagine my life getting easier any time soon. My heart goes out to anyone experiencing the loss of a loved one. We have to be strong for them and try to forge a new life that will never be the same. God bless.

  • Rick by Rick, Wisconsin
  • 12 years ago

I just read your poem. Lost my wife in Feb., 2011 just a few months before you. I had a bit of heartache reading it... I get it, We are spreading her ashes this Sun., at her childhood cabin; it's been too painful for my daughters and her parents till this point. Sitting here crying now thinking of you. My wife was a beautiful blonde contradiction; she lived life to the fullest, but she struggled; when she died, it was quick, painful and final. I miss her every day, and I don't know about you, but I keep looking for signs... I just want to know she's OK? Is that nuts?? I don't care. That's what bothers me the most! I took care of her for 30 years, and it's hard to stop feeling that. Looking forward to a time when I can stop feeling that pain,

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