21. Don't Be Sad When I Die
When tomorrow starts without me,
and I'm not there to comfort you,
please know that I still love you,
'cause I know you love me too.
When tomorrow starts without me,
and I'm not there to comfort you,
please know that I still love you,
'cause I know you love me too.
This is a good poem. It reminded me of the universality of human feelings. Feelings are the same whether one lives in India, like me, or at distant places like the poet. But there is another...
Dear Dad, we love you
We miss you so much
Your love and your kindness
Your soft gentle touch
When my dad left me I was 12 and he was 43. He was the best dad in the world he wouldn't give to receive, but the past couple of years he has been struggling with mental health issues, he...
A special dad is hard to find.
You, Dad, I'm keeping in my mind.
I wished you could have stayed forever,
But I will never forget you; oh, not ever.
I lost my dad 3 weeks ago and the pain is still unbearable. I never saw it coming and still feel like everything is just but a nightmare. He was sick since 2016 and bedridden due to problems...
I know we are all feeling a little bit sad
That we've lost our Grandpa, our friend, and our dad.
Together we have cried an ocean of tears
As we feel so empty and hold many fears.
I lost my grandfather today as of 1:15 am on 3/21. I cannot get over the fact that he's gone, I'm only fifteen years old and felt that I should document his life here. He came from Poland...
Even though you are gone away,
Your love will always be here to stay.
You touched our hearts with so many things.
I lost my cousin to suicide on 10/5/13. She was like a little sister to me because we were so close... She didn't have any siblings so I was the closest thing to one she had. She gave me the...
I just thought I'd say
I love you and goodbye.
We will miss you dearly.
I promise I won't cry.
I can't quite find the words, tears streaming down my face like they NEVER do. That poem was truly amazing. It is honest, raw, and soft at the same time. I can't imagine how I'd even compose...
I know that no matter what
You will always be with me.
When life separates us
I'll know it is only your soul
I have been conducting funeral services as a Civil Celebrant in England for the past 10 years, and I have never come across such a beautiful poem with such wonderful words. I will certainly...
She played a different role in all our
lives: a mother, a sister, and a
grandmother. No matter, what the love
we have for her is one. Ask anyone,
My older sister has always been there for me! When I needed to talk, she always had the answer. And said I Love You no matter what! No one has the answer to cancer, Why do you have to leave...