21. They Should Have Made Me Inside Out
My face is plain
My eyes are wrong
My brain is big
My heart is strong
My face is plain
My eyes are wrong
My brain is big
My heart is strong
I see you there, hiding in the dark.
Don't be afraid, I am here to help.
Look closely, don't you know me?
You see how I walk and talk; I am Unique!
K - Kindness is shown by what we say and do.
I - It says to the other person, "I care about you."
N - Never neglect to show kindness to everyone you see.
D - Day or night, young or old, whoever it may be.
I found a penny upon the walk.
A rich boy I am...that was my thought.
The things I can buy at the store...
Hello, I hope this reaches Mr. Hollingsworth. At the school my children attend, here in Indiana, each child gets up in front of the whole school once per year during their chapel time to...
Do dare to dream your desired dream
No matter how impossible it may seem
Do not get deterred by what others say
I remember when I was small and cool,
I was always playing truant from school.
My mum used to say,
"You'll regret it one day
It's only now that I'm older I realise my school years were the best days of my life. If only I could turn back time.
Here's a rant
About the tiny ant.
We see them parade in an orderly line,
A daydream
A world of extreme
A fantasy place
Or even outer space
I just got off the phone with my mom, and this poem made me smile
“Leave this town,”
my mother said
These three words
live in my head
The poem "Mother" is lyrical, inspiring, and guiding, written in common diction in which the poet as the central character acts upon his mother's voice as the world is wide and staying only...
A winter’s tree
is just like me
forgetting what
it used to be
They pick on you
Play tricks on you
They talk behind your back
A hundred whispers to your one
Benny the bear was bare of all hair
And barely could bear being hairless.
He felt rather silly (and a little bit chilly)
And wished that the hairy bears stared less.
It’s hard to listen,
hard to stop thinking
about what I want to say,
hard to stop searching