Spiritual Poem about Death

Life After Death

Eight years ago, I wrote a poem called "Life Beyond." It was published here under spiritual poems. This is, like my first, based on a book I read just before I lost my sister Diana. The book changed my life, the way I think, and brought me the comfort I needed to get me through her loss. I hope this brings you, the reader, comfort too. Then my job is done. Enjoy.

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Reading this poem has brought me the only comfort I had after my son passed a few months ago. I'm lost and scared and sad for not knowing where and what he is now. This poem has brought some...

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You Are Never Alone

© more by Susan C Walkinshaw-Kelly

Published by Family Friend Poems July 2019 with permission of the Author.

I open my eyes to a light so bright...
Where I'm surrounded by colours, an amazing sight,
And a beautiful Angel holds me in her arms.
I feel safe and happy, contented and calm.

"I'm so joyful to see you, now you've come home.
Please don't be afraid for you're never alone.
You are supported by angels in this heaven above,
Each one with open arms and bundles of love.

Maybe you think you've come home too soon,
But it was in your plan, for you have lots to do.
Now you've returned to renew your task.
Allow me to guide you, that's all I ask.

You never need miss those you left behind,
For you are able to visit, just open your mind.
They may not hear you or see you close by,
But you will be there with every tear that they cry.

You can go where you chose; you don't need to walk.
Just think yourself there, you'll arrive in a thought.
You'll never get weary, grow old or feel pain.
You can run, jump and skip, again and again!

Wander freely through fields, with animals galore,
Yes even lions, stroke their mane, they won't roar.
Every bird that you see will come sit on your hand.
You can pet them all freely; now isn't that grand?

You may pick all the flowers your arms can hold,
Our blooms live forever; they never grow old;
Just bend down and listen to their music so sweet.
They sing as you nudge them with your hands or your feet.

Pick fruit from the trees, enjoy as much as you like.
There's a never-ending supply; go on, take a big bite...
Worry not that the juice drips through your fingers.
It all returns to source, no mess, nothing lingers.

Now come on, let's go; there are friends to be found.
Just think of your loved ones and they'll all gather round.
They've been waiting eagerly for you to return,
Excited to hear everything that you've learned."

So it seems we're all destined for God's promised land,
Where angels gone before us just wait to take our hand.
With guidance and with comfort they help us on our way
So we can live in peace and love, enjoying every day.

And if you couldn't walk or talk, or you'd sadly lost your mind,
Have no fear, it's all restored; you leave all that behind.
The Lord repairs your body, returning it to new,
No sign of any illness, just a happy, healthy you.

I'm seeing so much beauty in this land beyond the veil,
Where you suffer no more ailments and all are looking well.
Please don't be sad or grieve for me. I'm never on my own.
Just remember I'll be waiting when it's your time to come home.



Born in Devon in 1954 I am coming up for 65 years old, the mother if 8, grandmother of 30 and great grand mother of 7 with 3 more due very soon. I live with my two little dogs Tia and Poppy in a lovely little bungalow, surrounded by flowers, birds, bees and butterflies in Colchester Essex. Apart from poetry I love to knit and collect dolls....

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jenna by Jenna
  • 4 years ago

Thank you for this poem. I read it quite a few times to my dying grandfather and I think the message brought him comfort.

  • Marilena  G. Mesina by Marilena G. Mesina
  • 5 years ago

Reading this poem has brought me the only comfort I had after my son passed a few months ago. I'm lost and scared and sad for not knowing where and what he is now. This poem has brought some peace in my mind. Some of the fears have gone away. Maybe his passing brought him more peace than what he had in his troubled life.

Thank you for your kind words. I know the heartache of losing a child as I lost my daughter 6 months ago. This brings me comfort, and so does my other poem, "Life Beyond." If you haven't read it, I'm sure you will get some comfort from it too. Love and hugs to you. Sue xx

Great imagery in this beautiful verse. It's very fitting to read at a celebration of a precious life lost. It's comforting and assuring that the Lord provides us with a heavenly sanctuary.

Since writing this poem, my darling daughter has sadly taken her life. This poem was read at her funeral on July 16th 2019, on what would have been her 45th birthday. It will always be special to me as this is where I picture her along with my Sister Diana.

  • Sally Staropoulos by Sally Staropoulos
  • 5 years ago

Your poem gives me comfort as I lost my father in June 2019. I am so sorry to hear of your daughter's passing. What a beautiful poem you have written. I hope it gives you comfort too. I really don't know what else to say except thank you for sharing.

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