Love Poem by Teens

I’m Sorry Poem For Her

I'm having a hard time with a break up with this girl I really love. We were forced to break up because her mother doesn't like me or approve of me. She's never met me; she just judges me from my past. I've had issues with drugs, from my father leaving, and depression. I've had suicidal issues my whole life. This is the first poem I've ever submitted. Thoughts I've never been brave enough to say.

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Your story is the same the same as mine. My mother forced me and my boyfriend to break up because of his past. I think that this is an amazing poem.

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Words I've Never Said


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2014 with permission of the Author.

Is it strange to say
I sleep just to dream of you?
One day hoping I wake up
To it coming true.
From the look in your eyes,
Yeah, the sparkle,
To the baby blue.

Would you call me strange,
If I said
I want to marry you?
Walking down that aisle,
Then saying I do.

Or the fact you make my heart fly,
Every time I see you?
Would you call me weird
if I'd walk a mile
Just to see your smile?

My heart is in half.
The piece missing is yours,
Like a house without walls,
Ceiling or floors.
Yeah, I'm incomplete.
Like a heart with no beat,
Feeling obsolete.

I take no pride in what I do,
Just for the simple reason,
It's not for you.
So alone and cold,
Nowhere to turn,
Smiles never cross my face,
Emotions left stern.

You say this will get easier.
When does that start?
I still feel broken,
With these cracks on my heart.

The walls around my emotions,
Being built so high,
Blocking everyone out,
Yet all they can ask is why.
Acting like they know me,
Acting like they care.
When I know for a fact,
You're the only one ever there.

When things got hard,
They'd all run away,
Leaving me alone,
Not giving the time of day.
All of these words
I've never said,
But there's one thing that replays
In my head.

I'll love you until the end,
Through all of this tragedy.
To me you're perfect.
Until my dream is a reality,
There's no one else for me,
Other than you


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sydniejo by Sydniejo
  • 2 years ago

Your story is the same the same as mine. My mother forced me and my boyfriend to break up because of his past. I think that this is an amazing poem.

  • Sm by Sm
  • 9 years ago

I am touched........ no story to add. Speechless I am.... As I was going through this poem, I was reliving my relationship and the ups and downs that we had. I am not strong enough to come out of it..yet.. 3 long years, we have parted ways. Ironically, 3 years ago, it was this date and see, I came across this poem of yours........

  • Mya Currence by Mya Currence
  • 10 years ago

This is a wonderful poem.You can get through to her mother if you continue to try. I believe in you Jeffery, keep trying.

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