Heartbreak Poem by Teens

Poem About Trusting Your Girlfriend

I'm 11 years old which might sound weird. But I had feelings for a girl that I dated for almost a year. We were really close and we liked to hang out and talk. I never trusted her and that was the problem. I didn't trust her with other guys because she loved to flirt. So when I didn't believe her she called me a jerk and we were done. Always trust someone if they trust you.

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I can relate to you... I've been played a bunch of times and usually it's only me getting hurt...this really showed you love her and well I am only 14. this really read my heart out loud...

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Without You

© more by Nick Grasso

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2010 with permission of the Author.

Every little thing that you do
makes me fall in love with you
why I did the things that I did
made me feel like a silly kid

Why did we always used to fight
I just wanted to make things right
when you left you struck my heart
never thought we'd be apart

so when I walk by everyday
always smile in your special way
I know you'll be dying inside
and I wish that you were mine

I break down every night
I cry myself to sleep
and with all my might
I know you're not mine to keep


more by Nick Grasso

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Yessi by Yessi
  • 11 years ago

I can relate to you... I've been played a bunch of times and usually it's only me getting hurt...this really showed you love her and well I am only 14. this really read my heart out loud it's wonderful...

  • Kaycee by Kaycee, Tennesee
  • 12 years ago

I dated this guy and we were best friends before that and somewhat we are now. I said something to him and he got pissed and I only understood now why he was pissed. I try to get his attention my Facebook and cell phone but he won't answer. We acted more like a couple before and after we dated. I hope he forgives me and we will go out again.

  • Swagger3344 by Swagger3344
  • 12 years ago

Me and my boyfriend have been going out for almost 3 months now. we want to kiss and be close, but I haven't ever wanted to do this for a long time because of my ex boyfriend before my boyfriend now broke my heart. I fell out of love with everything after that, I felt like I couldn't do anything right. When I met my boyfriend now, he healed my heart and made me believe in love again. What I'm trying to say is that most relationships are different, and its ok to try and find someone else to be with and mend your broken heart.

  • Nathan by Nathan
  • 13 years ago

I know exactly how you feel. I really loved this girl and we went out for 6 months, I don't know but I never felt that way before with a girl. Like everyday I knew we were so happy together and nothing was ever going to happen. Later on in school there was this trust issue about me graduating from high school. It's sad because she told me that she didn't know if I was going to be able to trust her when I graduate. She is a Sophomore and I'm of course a Senior, though I don't see a problem in that because we loved each other. We split up and never spoke again. I have a rebound relationship and that didn't last at all but it happened because I felt so horrible that I needed someone there for me. A day before Valentines Day she texted me a poem I wrote her when we were together and sadly we still had feelings about each other. To this day I'm ever so happy and she and I trust in one another as we are working to continue our beautiful relationship we once had.

  • Bird by Bird
  • 13 years ago

You know, it can be really upsetting when that stuff happens. I'm eleven too, and don't think it is weird that you liked a girl. You just have to accept that it just wasn't meant to be. Another girl will come along, and who knows? You could like her even more. Just remember, don't put up a wall because you were hurt once. Someone who really loves you could come along , so don't shut them out.

  • Liz Hope by Liz Hope
  • 13 years ago

I understand what you mean only other way around with the boy

he was a very cute and handsome boy and we have been dating for a while and I have seen other girls around him once in awhile and he would just say they were old friends nothing serious and I started to not believe him cause he would spend more and more time with them and my surfing didn't seem to attract him any more and I cry when he just ended up stop emailing me, writing me and dating me and even talking to me I was very sad and heart broken. betrayed :(

  • Ashley by Ashley, Tomball Texas
  • 13 years ago

I love this poem. I recently went through a break up and everytime I see him in the hall with his new girlfriend it breaks my heart even more.

  • Maria Sanchez by Maria Sanchez
  • 13 years ago

Oh my gosh! You must have really loved her!
I'm 11 too and I'm going through the same thing and it is a little weird but I'm used to weird. Its so awesome and touching!
I really don't think that she might come back to you but there is a chance. Usually when I first went through this thing I was heart broken too. But someday you will find someone real special. You almost forget them.:)

  • Beccy Rosee by Beccy Rosee
  • 14 years ago

It doesn't sound silly at all mate , That you're 11 years old and expressing you're emotions through poetry honestly its a very mature choice that you've chosen to elaborate and use poetry to express how you really feel . Its better out then in :) I am only 13 years old and have had my heart broken a lot of times been in and out of pointless relationships been with guys that have broke me to pieces and then the guys that I was with for months and sometimes even years . You loved her and that's okay , its hard .

  • Cassidy by Cassidy
  • 14 years ago

That was beautiful. I know this might sound shallow but I did'nt know a boy could have those emotions. My boyfriend broke up with me and acted like it was nothing and he played with my heart. I'm only 12 so I no what it's like. Trust me.

  • Kieno by Kieno
  • 14 years ago

To be honest with you, Trust is something very important in a relationship. Without trust, there is no relationship. Don't get me wrong, there is more to a relationship than just Trust. There needs to be communication, commitment, friendship, love, and etc. You have to feel it all at once. You can't just think everything will fall in place on there own. You're young, very young. You wrote an excellent poem. Keep up the awesome work and you'll learn from experience.

This reminds me of my last relationship, neither of us trusted each other and that was the worst thing we did....

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