Abuse Poem

For 12 years my sisters and I were victims of sexual abuse by our father. I was very good at keeping it a secret. Eventually it ate at me so much that I turned to drugs. In getting help with my addictions I also received help for my depression and everything came out. I am in the process of prosecuting my father for all the wrong he did to me.

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I went through almost the same with my biological father. Only he never actually managed to do anything to me. He got my step sister pregnant at age 10 and he raped my step brother. When I...

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When I Told My Childhood Good-Bye


Published by Family Friend Poems May 2009 with permission of the Author.

So small and innocent was I when I told my childhood good-bye
Why did this happen to me, Only four years old, it scared me
He made me go to his bed, Rubbing and touching, "I love You" is all he said
I cried and begged him to stop, Harder and harder, the pain was so sharp.
How could he hurt and leave me this way
All I could do was pray!
Tell, he said, and your sisters will be next
I kept my mouth shut to protect
Twenty-two years later, I see it was a lie
For he hurt my sisters and I don't know why?
I turned to drugs and let myself go
Scared and alone, I felt so cold.
He will never hurt another child again
Because I will do all I can.
I will stand up for myself for the very first time
Look him in the eye and make him pay for his crime
I am a survivor and I know it's true
Hopefully someday I'll forgive my father for what he put me through!

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Rebekah Cox by Rebekah Cox
  • 10 years ago

I went through almost the same with my biological father. Only he never actually managed to do anything to me. He got my step sister pregnant at age 10 and he raped my step brother. When I came forward with what he tried to do to me they did too. There was enough evidence that he was arrested and found guilty. He served 10 years in prison but is now currently out and doing the same things again. He lives with his girlfriend and her kids. Her 11 year old daughter had to be taken to the hospital because of him but her mom denies anything ever happened. I've tried so many times to get that little girl help but the police here say they can't do anything because he's out of their jurisdiction. Even though my father didn't get the chance to hurt me my brothers uncle did. He did things I still can't talk about and I still have scars where he held a knife to my throat multiple times while raping me. He told me that if I said anything to anyone that he would do worse to my mom and brothers so I kept my mouth shut and he was never convicted. He still walks free to this day. I've only ever told one person about the things that were done to me. I can't let myself think about it much or I find myself right back there, in my mind and it's more than I can handle. People should be made aware of what it does to a child. I was only 8 and it ruined my childhood. People who do these things are cruel and deserve to rot in prison.

  • Elaine Louch by Elaine Louch
  • 14 years ago

This poem reminds me of myself. I was also a severely abused child who turned to drugs & alcohol for many years to cope with it.
Like the author I finally found the strength to stand up for myself and report the abuse.
It is so important to teach children to tell someone when someone hurts them, and it is even more important to believe
And it is so important for the victim to not necessarily forgive, but understand that they were not to blame, and even though they will never forget what happened it is possible to put it behind you and go on.

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