Special Friend Poem

I couldn't have better friends. Thanks Clare, Sarah, John, Alayna, and Will. Especially Sarah and Clare, who encouraged my love for poetry.

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Ms. Foster is the one person that I always turn to whenever I'm having problems. I met her last year during my junior year. It was the first day of school when I met her. I liked her right...

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What Friends Do


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2008 with permission of the Author.

Friends are there when you're feeling blue
And you're feeling down
They're there to make you smile
And to turn your frown around

They'll be there for your first date
And they'll be there for you to tell
And when that boy breaks your heart
She'll tell you its just as well

She's there for you
Throughout the years
To share the laughs
And to share the tears

She fights with you sometimes
But you always make it through
You can't stay mad at her
She means too much to you

So when you have a good friend
Remember to keep her nearby
Because the best thing you can have
Is a good friend by your side


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Janna Lynne Jones by Janna Lynne Jones
  • 8 years ago

Ms. Foster is the one person that I always turn to whenever I'm having problems. I met her last year during my junior year. It was the first day of school when I met her. I liked her right then and I knew we would be great friends. This is my second year to have her as a teacher's aide in my English Four class. I can talk to her about anything. She's always telling me to never give up. If it weren't for her, I don't think I would have made it as far as I have. She's been like another mom to me, always there for me when I need her. I love you, Ms. Foster. Love, Janna

  • Dreama King by Dreama King, Mesa Az
  • 11 years ago

My friend she is always there for me no matter what I do. When I say the wrong thing she is there even when I don't think I need to be corrected

  • jeana by jeana
  • 16 years ago

me and my best fight all the time over stupid stuff but we do make it through she wont let me tell her I love her though it creeps her out but I do love her like a sister , like a best friend she's there through good times and bad I've never known anyone like her !!

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