Wife Poem

Poem About The Joy Of A Long Relationship

My wife is my love and my life. She truly did inspire this poem. She sent me a text one evening when I was feeling down. Somehow she knew that I was feeling low and that I was missing her, and she simply wrote, "Danny, everything is fine, please don't worry, we're good, I promise." I pray that God will bless her as he has me. He gave her to me, a gift of love with a constant message.

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We're Good, I Promise

© more by Danny Blackburn

Published by Family Friend Poems December 2008 with permission of the Author.

I have to remember that true love is strong and enduring,
But it is true, there are times when the strong need reassuring.

You write me and say, "Danny, everything is fine, please don't worry."  I thank you.
I love you so, and I appreciate you taking that moment to tell me you love me too.

You write me and say, "We're good, I promise." I hope you know how much that means to me.
Our life together will be your pleasure. I will give you all my love, devotion, and attention, that you will see.

When we were young we took time for walks in the park.
Hand in hand, so happy together just walking in the dark.

We loved so pure, so honest and true.
I thanked God then as today for giving me you.

We loved life and each other, we promised our devotion forever.
We were so happy, so loving and always together.

We had not a lot of things or money back then,
But I had the best of life; my wife was my best friend.

We had love and we had each other; you were and are God's gift and my treasure.
Then as today to just lie on the couch as you fall asleep in my arms is my pleasure.

It is the simple things that mean so much,
As simple as just feeling your touch.

Now all these years later I feel so in love with you.
I am a very blessed man, and God has blessed me; I know that is true.

Each day I awake and I realize what I want to do.
I want to spend each day of my life devoted to and loving you.

I want to have new adventures in life; you know that is true,
But I want to do nothing that does not include you.

We love today like never a day before,
Because each day I love you so much more.

You are so beautiful, more beautiful each day.
You beauty is more than it was yesterday.

You have matured from a beautiful young bride
To a beautiful mature woman with love and pride.

We no longer have youth on our side.
Our age is something that we much longer can't hide.

My love for you has grown stronger through the years.
Your love gives me strength, so as we age I have no fears.

I love you, and I hope you know that you are my blessing, my wife.
I am devoted to loving you and caring for you for the rest of my life.


more by Danny Blackburn

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  • Mervis M. Lepuru by Mervis M. Lepuru, Pretoria
  • 7 years ago

Yes, I do like this poem very much. It reminds me of someone special in my life.

  • Brittany Rivera by Brittany Rivera
  • 8 years ago

Beautiful poem. I love it. I can tell you wrote this poem from your heart. One of my favorite poems from this website.

  • daulatsinh gadhvi by daulatsinh gadhvi
  • 15 years ago

Being an Indian we don't have more habits to share such poems to wife, but today by reading this poem I came to know what a wife a part of your life means...its really very nice poem ever I read.

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