Betrayal Poem

Poem On Being Unfaithful

At the young age of 21, I have been tested by love. I have lost myself in a man who did not love me, a deceitful man full of lies and betrayal. I gave myself to this man. My heart, mind, and spirit became his to do with as he pleased.

I spent months starving myself in depression. At night I cried myself to sleep, only to wake up every few hours to repeat the torture I had set upon myself. I became sick with love and convinced myself that life would end without him.

As time went on, I realized I had been living long before this man had entered, and was determined to last long past this! I opened my heart to those who nurtured it. Family and friends brought me back from this pain... from a place I refuse to return. I have found the value in myself, in the sweet, dependable, fun loving person that I am. I have discovered love for myself and I refuse to go back to the days I spent without!

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No, don't take him back. Value yourself more! He cheated on you and went to somebody else and now he is coming back to you, cheating on that person. Ask yourself this question: Will he stay...

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Value Of Love


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2008 with permission of the Author.

I have seen women lifted by love,
Countless women surrounded, fed, embraced by love,
But most recently I have met a woman condemned by love,
Alienated, starved, forgotten by love.
The pain from love is visible in the eyes, heart, and soul of this woman.
She who lives for love, who would die for love.
Curiosity forces me to look deep into her.

Big brown eyes tell of a man whose love was taken away as quickly as was given.
A selfish man whose compassion drowned in these eyes.
Taking advantage of the faith and forgiveness she possesses.
Tears roll down her cheeks and begin to drip from her delicate chin.
As sympathy overwhelms me, I invite myself in for a better look.

A bleeding heart welcomes me to the truth behind this love.
What once was bliss has transformed.
The love that filled now forces her to starve,
An endless hunger that consumes, leaving nothing for this woman.
This man has stripped her of all that she loved, including himself.
He has laughed at her sorrow and found comfort in her misery.
My heart breaks for her as she opens up to let me in.

One foot after the other I step into her soul.
My thoughts echo as I begin to connect with her sorrows.
"Stop," catches her attention as I start to reason with her.
"Do not give yourself to this man."
Confusion fills her as she wakes to catch my gaze.
"If your love/your life mean so little to you that you can just give it away, why should it mean any more to him?"   
I hear these words and reality sets in.

I have met this woman in love,
Alienated, starved, forgotten by love.
I have seen into her eyes, felt her heartache, and visited her soul.
This muse whose sorrow connects so genuinely with mine... is ME!
I have given my life to a man who has never asked nor has he ever cared for it.
I have believed and made true all lies.
I have accepted inferiority, for how can he value me more than I value myself?


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Roxxan Amar by Roxxan Amar
  • 7 years ago

I fell in love with a man two years ago. After a courtship of 3 months I found out that he was marrying someone else. I was depressed, perplexed, and wondered why he had to do that to me, but after 1 month of marriage he came back to me. I didn’t know his mission claiming and confessing love to me. It was hell. I was already going through a lot. What now is this? I couldn't handle myself at all. My love was still intact and it was so hard to resist him at all. But my heart has not yet decided should I take him back or what should I do?

  • Haseeb Qureshi by Haseeb Qureshi
  • 7 years ago

No, don't take him back. Value yourself more! He cheated on you and went to somebody else and now he is coming back to you, cheating on that person. Ask yourself this question: Will he stay true to you? The answer is no. Once a cheater, always a cheater. Move on, I know it's hard, but someday you will thank the Almighty. You deserve better, not a cheater. Stay blessed.

  • Mandy Ndlovu by Mandy Ndlovu
  • 10 years ago

I had it all figured out, the future was right in my hands and it seemed like the world had no escape too. I was in love with a man I called my future yet he was in love with another woman he called his future. Often times in church I was told I was someone's missing rib yet God left it in my powers to figure out who that person was. I met a few and never felt like they were the ones until I met this particular one. My world changed and I would do anything for him and I mean anything you could ever imagine. He was handsome and he still is. Yet inside he was the ugliest man any woman could ever dream of. Some come into your life to teach you a lesson and leave you in one piece yet he came to take everything I ever had, everything I stood for and above all he left me in pieces that are a puzzle no man can ever solve. I gave him my energy and he never brought it back, I gave him my heart and he drove a knife through it. He was my eye sight yet today like a blind woman I stand still with no one to pull me through the darkest part of my path. The breath I took was nothing better than the air he breathed out yet I was happy because I loved him. The day he slipped through my fingers I felt my soul freeze into the hardest ice that has no melting point, my heart bled and I wondered if ever there was a difference between death and divorce. I wasn't married but I called him my husband for that is what he represented. I looked back and saw all the lies, peace was completely drawn out of me and I became an angry woman. The laugh I laughed yesterday has suddenly turned into tears of wilderness for I still do not understand what happened. We were the best couple that ever walked around and to our friends and family our love was a fairy tale. I stand today with unanswered questions of unbelief and denial. Did we just break up or I am having a long continuous nightmare? Did you just cheat on me or the devil is playing tricks with my mind?? I loved you with everything I ever had, I loved you with every prayer I ever prayed even God knew my prayer ended with "God guide him" when other people's prayers ended with an AMEN. Today my heart is so torn apart yet I cannot figure out how things went wrong. I lowered my standards just to accommodate you but I never knew the same wings I gave to you will make you fly so high that you will never remember where they came from. I created a ladder for you and I never knew you would look on the same ladder that took you up and spit on it. I covered your nakedness with every piece of clothing I had, for you were that special to me yet today the same clothing is the one you are using to strangle my throat. I spoke on your behalf when you ran short of words yet today you have taken every word out of my mouth and left me speechless. If anyone has never experienced the pain of loving and never being loved back then you have never been in pain. If I said I will ever love again then I will be lying because unless God tells me how things went wrong I will remain single till my grave.

  • Ankita Behera by Ankita Behera
  • 7 years ago

Very painful. I'm going through same situation...

  • Rocelie Benavidez by Rocelie Benavidez, Antipolo City Philippines
  • 9 years ago

I know exactly how you feel. Right now, I am also in almost the same situation. Betrayed. Being lied to and left without a word.

  • Deb by Deb
  • 11 years ago

Married for 28 years, now 2 young adult men. I forgave bouts of infidelity in the early years, experienced 2 occasions of physical abuse and ongoing verbal abuse. Amongst those times I shared exquisite moments, from a man who was my childhood sweetheart, the only one. We finally separated, the verbal abuse and disconnect too great. He has moved in 6 months later with a woman and her family. She holds a senior role in our family business for 15 years. I now look back over everything I have gone through and believed in. Now he has not only shattered our family but also taken away the memories of what I thought we had. I now have nothing to believe in, to look back on and am now fighting to get a divorce settlement while everything I believed in crumbles around me. Life's lessons are hard, I know we need them to grow. Each day is a struggle to get through, I can only hope that like other people there will be some happiness coming for me.

  • Mary by Mary
  • 11 years ago

I been married for about five in a half year I been cheated on I think for most of my marriage my husband is also addicted to porn. I have separated from him on and of for years. I need some help. I want to find a way to completely leave him I believe in god and marriage but at this point in my life I've been through enough. I need to find away to get my life back and self worth I've been belittled, and I felt like I was never good enough it's sad how a man manipulates his wife and make them feel at fault for what they do on the contrary we as women should stand for what we know is right and that's not letting anyone take away our voice and happiness.

  • Kim by Kim
  • 7 years ago

I'm am in an identical situation. I wish there was a group or some kind of "Survivors of infidelity" to help women start over and move on with their lives. If anyone knows of one please let me know.

  • Khushboo by Khushboo, India
  • 12 years ago

I loved him in a every possible way I could..
It wasn't love at first site. But when he kissed me first time, he became my world.. He was everything to me. It's been 6 years now.. In those 6 years he cheated on me twice and lied many times. He says he loves me but I know he's changed..
I'm shattered.. I'm gonna leave him . Don't want be fool.. But in my core I want him to call me, message me..
Love is blind...

  • Mike Wright by Mike Wright
  • 12 years ago

I gave my very best to her for all those years we was together having fun and going places before and after we was married, then later on God gave us two great sons. We was always so happy and still went places and took our sons everywhere we vacationed, we had true love I thought no one else could ever have had, but she started talking to other guys on the internet, and then it happened after 29 years she wanted a divorce it has now been 4 years and I still love her, but it is now all over. I've done all I could to try to save our marriage and our family life I always wanted, but she wanted this guy and now I am no longer wanted, except for my two sons.

  • Johnson by Johnson
  • 7 years ago

Mike Wright, it's been 5 years since your comment. Did it get easier? It's been 3 months since the same thing happened to me, only that we were not married. We were together 8 years, 7 of which we were in school together. I can't say I am still crippled, but I have been. My only wish is she could apologize for being such an actress.

  • Shaila by Shaila
  • 12 years ago

I am married to a man for almost forty years. I discovered last year that he has been cheating me for almost a year. He has been seeing a much younger woman and having a relationship with her. I am deeply hurt. He says he never loved her. I don't believe it.

  • S.Harris by S.Harris
  • 13 years ago

I fell in love with a married man 20 years ago, it was a on and off relationship for many years. We have lived together for 2 years now in another state! I cry from the inner pain every day! I love him more than I love myself, more than I ever knew was possible! It's so painful, the fear of the possibility of having to let him go one day consumes me, overwhelms me! What can you do? Love is painful!

  • Pola by Pola, Africa
  • 13 years ago

I often ask myself why men fall victim of infidelity. Then I remember that women too are unfaithful. What beats me is I gave him everything, yet he had to search and go with a virgin. Wasting five years of my life is sad, but am glad I have a child to raise and live for, trying to forget him. Love is so blind. My heart goes out to everyone who has been cheated on. We are worth more than we're cut out for than our partners think. Love hurts, it should not take away your ability to love again. Moving on is key to healing our wounds...

  • nmarques by nmarques
  • 16 years ago

It is in trust that we always find betrayal. I can understand much of what you describe, but it's better to love once and suffer from it, then to never love at all.
I've turned my back on mostly all of my friends, because she didn't liked them... I've swapped my awesome job because I've had not much time to share with her... I've engaged those who harmed her and was her shield for 3 years and her sword... I've gave myself to her in all the ways you can imagine, and then some... In the end, I was sent away with a wicked grin and it did troubled me for quite sometime.
Today, I've evolved to a better person, and would still live it all again, because despite of all the pain and anger, I've became a better person in the end... I've lost nearly everything, so that I forced into a new restart... And how good does it feel. Now fighting for my own!

  • Saja by Saja
  • 16 years ago

My friend and I are going through the same infidelity that our spouses have committed. It's going on four months for me and over a year for her. I am desperately and determined to get over the abandonment my ex has caused me and our boys. Friends, and relatives and prayers are my greatest support whereas she is receiving counseling. She chose to take her spouse back for fear of being alone and I see the pain in her eyes as if it happened to her yesterday. This beautiful poem tells it all for her.

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