Betrayal Poem

Poem About Being Lied To

You lied. You broke me. Somehow I still cared about you. Now you lie again...

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You Lied, But I Still Cared


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2011 with permission of the Author.

You always said you loved me.
You always said you cared,
that you would always be with me,
that you would always be there.

You told me that you are here for me
through all the pain I feel.
You told me that you are with me
till your very last meal.

But you were never there
through all those endless nights.
You could never stop the crying
after all those fights.

My heart tore,
and you just walked away.
My happiness went up in smoke.
Everything looked gray.

Now after all that's happened,
all the lies you told,
how could you lie again?
How could you be so bold?

You say it again.
You are here for me
if I'm here for you back.
Sure, I'll be there,
and I'll care.
You know that that's a fact.

But will you be here
for me
till the very end?

Don't lie again.
You are not my friend.
My heart you could never mend.

I gave you trust;
You told me lies.
I gave you hope;
I can see it in your eyes.

Please don't lie.
We both know
you could never be there
to wipe my tears
or vanish my fears.
You could never care.


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