Compassion Poem

Poem About Racial Inequality

Poem about racial inequality in the United States and the hope that someday we can treat all of our citizens equally.

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Unequal Horizons


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2015 with permission of the Author.

The morning light comes shining through
Upon the grass all fresh with dew.
How pleased I am that I can stand
Upon this free and fertile land.

God made it all for you and me,
Not because we're white, you see.
What if a black Christ you could view?
Would it startle or astonish you?

Would that book be out of sight?
Or would you read it every night?
So bear this in mind when you see
A black man down upon his knee.

This morning light and land so free
Might mean to him what it means to me.

Does he have a chance the same as you
To see the sparkling morning dew?
My answer's this, I think you'll agree,
That chance must be given by you and me.


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