Heartbreak Poem

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Wow, this poem came to me at the perfect time...during a huge loss of THE ONE in November. On his birthday he thought I broke it off, but I was just crushed when he failed to be there when I...

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To Him


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2009 with permission of the Author.

The cold winds are blowing
The leaves are falling to the ground.
Soon the snow will be falling
And my heart will be crying
Because you're not around.

Another year is passing
And still we're apart.
I don't understand, I don't know
But the pain is deep in my soul.
How do I explain this to my heart?

You said you'd be there when I need you.
Where the hell are you now?
In another woman's arms holding her tight?
I can hardly make it through the night
Without crying your name out loud.

Don't you know that not a day goes by
That you don't cross my mind?
It's hard to believe that you still care
When months go by without a word
I must be blind.

Blinded by a love I feel
For a man who will never be mine.
Tell me how to turn it off.
Show me how to kill this love.
Throw the switch so it will die.

I think I'm slowly losing my mind.
How can I forget you?
You're the one true love I've ever known.
The cold seeps into my bones
And my heart is turning blue.

My friends think I'm crazy
For caring so much
That I'd gladly risk everything
To be in your arms once again,
To feel the magic of your touch.

I know you're not Prince Charming
But you're the closest thing I've ever seen.
I long to feel your lips on mine
And once again my "sun" will shine.
I'm sure you know what I mean.

Come back to me, my love!
Show me that you still care.
Warm my heart and my bed.
Clear the fog from my head.
Prove that you'll always be there.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jen McArthur by Jen McArthur
  • 7 years ago

Wow, this poem came to me at the perfect time...during a huge loss of THE ONE in November. On his birthday he thought I broke it off, but I was just crushed when he failed to be there when I learned my grandchildren were being adopted out. I asked him to call, and he didn't, so I freaked He says I broke it off, but it was him who unfriended me, took all our pictures down, and blocked me so he could talk in private with an old ex he cheated on me with years ago. However, he didn't realize I wouldn't stop or interfere in his happiness if that's what makes him happy. He didn't even get to find out I got the place I've been trying hard to move into, and I move next week. WE were going to move in together, but because he blocked me he didn't get that great news. Anyway, this poem really hit home for how I feel about him. Thanks!

  • Amy Bauder by Amy Bauder
  • 7 years ago

I love a man who doesn't know how to love someone back.

  • Vannessa by Vannessa, Durban
  • 10 years ago

There was this guy who moved to my city from Capetown with his family. He was one of a kind. He was gorgeous and handsome I never knew I liked him until one day when he invited me on blackberry messenger and confessed his love for me. We got into a really deep relationship only for him to leave me after 3 months because he still loved his ex girlfriend from Capetown and was moving back to her because she was pregnant with his child. Weird I might be too!!!

  • Jasmine by Jasmine
  • 14 years ago

This whole story does not count for me but, part of it does. This dude I've liked since like, first grade told me that he didn't want a girlfriend, and there he goes and gets a girlfriend! I really liked him, and he knew that too, but, right now, like the poem said, "where are you now, wrapping your arms around another girl?"

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