Easter Poem

Poem About Easter And Its Meaning

I've been writing poetry since I was a teenager. The reason I started writing was because my senior English teacher told me I would never see one of my poems published. It gave me that determination to prove him wrong. Everything happens for a reason. It made me want to write more and more. From being raped at 5 years old to love, marriage, and all that happened in between I hope you receive a message from my poems.

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Thoughts Of Easter

© more by Deborah Wininger

Published by Family Friend Poems May 2014 with permission of the Author.

I awoke before dawn this Easter morn,
Laid very still and just thought,
Not of the eggs and bunnies that Easter brings,
But of the gift of life that it brought.
I thought of that cross he carried,
That crown of thorns on his head,
The nails into his body they buried,
Betrayed by even those that he led.
Up that road to Calvary,
Totally sinless too,
Jesus paid the ultimate out of love,
He died for me, for you.
Love keeps no records of right or wrong,
Love doesn't keep a score,
To our Father in heaven we all belong,
Just as on that day long before.
I looked in the room at my sleeping sons,
Tears slipped from my eyes.
God had done more than I could have done,
To just watch as my son suffered and died.
My Easter held such meaning then,
As I watched the dawn breaking through,
Just thinking of that day so long ago,
When God did what I could not do.


more by Deborah Wininger

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Very touched by your lovely Easter poem. You are a talented poet.

  • Debby Wininger by Debby Wininger
  • 8 years ago

Thank you so very much, Regina Elliott! You made my year!

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