Easter Poem

Forgiven At The Cross

My name is Fran Peck and I wrote this poem to show how our attitudes and actions of the heart crucify Christ and condemn us until we repent.

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5th Sunday in Lent Strive to live more fully in the present, not a worry about tomorrow, just live from today! Don't worry about any problems.

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The Crucifixion

© more by Fran Peck

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2017 with permission of the Author.

I laughed and mocked as He walked that day,
up a hill to redeem my soul.
I joined the crowd to spit and jeer, 
and I watched His sorrow grow.
I drove every nail deep in His hands
with every sin in my heart.
My rebellion shoved the thorns in His head,
and my strife tore His robe apart.
I used my hatred to give Him a bitter drink,
and I glared down on Him with pride.
I thought of past disappointments,
and with my anger, I pierced His side.
I denied His power and ignored His worth
and stood waiting for His life to end.
I watched the last drop of His blood fall,
not knowing my grief would begin.
I looked around to find His accusers,
but no one was there but me.
I looked at my hands; they were stained with blood,
and then I began to see.
Conviction slowly entered my heart,
and I dropped all my weapons of choice:
the pride, the anger, the hatred, the lust,
and then I heard His voice.
"Forgive her Father, I died for her.
I paid the price for her soul,
I bore her sickness and all of her pain,
and now I have made her whole."
He looked down on me with loving eyes.
He saw my present, my future, my past.
He knew I needed a Savior,
and my soul had found Him at last.
I looked around to find His accusers,
but no one was there but me.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kimberly Weathers by Kimberly Weathers
  • 7 years ago

5th Sunday in Lent
Strive to live more fully in the present, not a worry about tomorrow, just live from today! Don't worry about any problems.

  • Sheila Erwin by Sheila Erwin
  • 7 years ago

Makes you realize what Jesus went through for us so we can make Heaven our home! Thank you Jesus for making it possible for us to make Heaven our home! Thank you Fran for the beautiful poem!!!

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