Growing Up Poem by Teens

If parents want real relationship with their kids they will have to concede one thing. Read about it in this poem.

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I think sometimes all our parents need is for us to explain how everything is. I've seen parents try so hard to know what kids go through. They won't fully understand, but I think we should...

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They Don't Get It, They Don't Understand


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2006 with permission of the Author.

Parent say they've been there, they say they understand,
If only they knew what passes through our hands,
Drugs to inhale and they slowly die,
It takes them makes them high,
Kids drink to wash away their tears,
To run and hide from all their fears,
Parents think they get us...but they don't have a clue,
They don't know all the things peer pressure can do,
They don't know about all the rumors and lies,
They don't know about how our hope slowly dies,
Parents don't understand our thoughts and dreams,
All they see are our bad thoughts and endless schemes,
Take the time to get to know and love me,
Cause I look up to you... I do what I see,
I will turn out to be a bad girl lost and needed,
If you're one of those parents that is conceited,
You say you understand us, you say you get it,
Help me in my choices; show me right from wrong,
But don't give me the same lame sad song.
You truly don't understand....


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Tosin by Tosin
  • 8 years ago

I think sometimes all our parents need is for us to explain how everything is. I've seen parents try so hard to know what kids go through. They won't fully understand, but I think we should give them a chance in our lives.

  • Poppiah by Poppiah
  • 10 years ago

This poem really spoke to me. It just made me feel as if someone finally understood what I am going through and how I am feeling in my current situation.
I don't know what I could do without forums like this where I know I can come and just let go.
God Bless the author of this poem, you deserve to go to a good place. I am going teary eyed just writing this, but I really hope you know how much of an impact you have had on how I see my life and how comforted I feel that someone other than THE LORD is there for me.
God Bless and in Heavens name may you live a happy and peaceful life.
God loves you.

  • Kristin by Kristin, Wisconsin
  • 10 years ago

The adults posting on here saying that they get it only prove the point of this poem even more. You always hear the stories "well when I was a kid..." so obviously it's a different time now. Parents back then had drugs to worry about but now there is so many different types of them you didn't have. Personally I come from a divorced family and a recently deceased father and my mom is always trying to tell me that she is there for me and she understand but when I try to open up she either tells me what I did wrong or you can see the blank stare on her face as she doesn't listen. This poem is true. Parents think they understand their kids when they really don't.

  • Tenai by Tenai, Aus
  • 10 years ago

This is so true, parents really don't understand what we are going through.

  • Madi by Madi, USA
  • 12 years ago

That is so true yet depressing. Parents claim to understand and get us, but they don't. The sad truth is that most kids go through life pretending to be fine when they're dying on the inside.

  • John by John, Bc
  • 13 years ago

Sorry guys and gals but you won't like this. Too bad. The fact is that not only do parents get it, they've been through it all as did their parents and so on since parents started having kids. We had to say no to drugs. We had to endure peer pressure. We had to deal with rumors and whispering and lies. Nothing new. Try putting your cell phones down for a minute and initiating a real conversation with your parents. I mean actually TALKING and not texting! You might also try accepting responsibility for your own actions instead of blaming everyone else, including your parents. Suck it up and get on with life. We had to.

  • Marcia by Marcia
  • 7 years ago

Very truthfully said, John. Accepting responsibility - that's the key phrase.

  • Angel by Angel, Illnois
  • 13 years ago

I feel the exact same way they claim they understand, but they don't in some ways yes they might understand but they don't know what's going on in out heads.

  • Jess by Jess, Florida
  • 13 years ago

This is EVERYONE. Parents get it. Kids are the ones that don't understand the fact that their parents have gone through the same crap!

  • Sally by Sally, Queens
  • 13 years ago

This poem is only true on some days. Sometimes my mom really gets it and understands. Some days I feel like saying shut up sit down and listen to me. you don't get is at all. I really love being able to share things with her even if she does not get it.

  • Cheriece by Cheriece, Bronx
  • 14 years ago

This poem touched me because I get yelled at by my parents and they tell me oh when I was your age I was doing this and that but they don't know what I am going through now. When I was growing up I been through hell my dad walking in and out of my life and me having to grow up not knowing why he really left and it is also hard because I miss my dad and I wish that we was as close as we was when I was younger. Now that I am older all I do is sit here and cry my eyes out.. so parents really don't know what is going on in their child's head just because they think that their child tells them everything, that doesn't mean anything, they can tell them half of something but not the whole story.

  • Kev by Kev, Indiana
  • 14 years ago

I really don't think children understand how much adults really do get. I read this poem and there isn't a thing in it that I, as an adult, didn't already know! So yeah we get IT.

  • Yvonne by Yvonne, AZ
  • 14 years ago

Very beautiful and I completely understand. But you have to understand to that your parents were once teenagers going through the same thing. We do understand our children. Sometimes they forget and its hard empathizing, but their reactions have mostly good intentions. I'm sure your parents love you very much and you will understand one day when you are a parent!!!

  • Kayla by Kayla, Alaska
  • 14 years ago

This poem pretty much says it all. It's soo true. Love it.

  • brianne by brianne
  • 15 years ago

wow this I a great poem. it kind of reminds me about me life and I really enjoyed reading it. thank-you.

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