Famous Nature Poem

This poem about finding a beautiful garden is one of Emily Dickinson's most well known poems. The precise meaning of the poem is a matter of opinion. One possibility is that she is pointing out that a person may be disappointed in his quest to experience beauty in the world. However, when we look inside ourselves and one another, we may find a flourishing beautiful garden of delights!

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My mother, Joyce, loves her garden, which she made and made beautiful; and her other garden is the seeds of positivity, love, and joy that she has sown throughout her life. Joyce is 84 now...

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Famous Poem

There Is Another Sky

Emily Dickinson By more Emily Dickinson

There is another sky,
Ever serene and fair,
And there is another sunshine,
Though it be darkness there;
Never mind faded forests, Austin,
Never mind silent fields -
Here is a little forest,
Whose leaf is ever green;
Here is a brighter garden,
Where not a frost has been;
In its unfading flowers
I hear the bright bee hum:
Prithee, my brother,
Into my garden come!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Subhash Bansal by Subhash Bansal
  • 6 years ago

This poem reminds me of a belief that the whole universe exists inside every human being. The only requirement to realize this simple truth is having immense love and faith in yourself and each one you come across while progressing on the path of your journey towards fulfillment of your goals.

  • Paul T. McMahon by Paul T. McMahon
  • 7 years ago

My mother, Joyce, loves her garden, which she made and made beautiful; and her other garden is the seeds of positivity, love, and joy that she has sown throughout her life. Joyce is 84 now and in the evening of her life, but she still gets a lot of enjoyment and satisfaction from her garden even though others tend it now, but at least she can still pot some seeds sitting on a chair on her veranda and see them grow.

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