Famous Nature Poem

Being immersed in nature brings about a peace within a person. Everything in nature has been carefully and meticulously created, leaving us breathless when it’s enjoyed. The world revolves in a peaceful manner; it’s people who’ve created the chaos. Humans are so busy with many different things that we forget to slow down and enjoy the peace of nature.

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A beautiful and inspired poem about a sometimes elusive quality that we all so much need to permeate our hearts. Maybe it has something to do with understanding and being understood and...

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Famous Poem


Bessie Rayner Parkes By more Bessie Rayner Parkes

THE steadfast coursing of the stars,
The waves that ripple to the shore,
The vigorous trees which year by year
Spread upwards more and more;

The jewel forming in the mine,
The snow that falls so soft and light,
The rising and the setting sun,
The growing glooms of night;

All natural things both live and move
In natural peace that is their own;
Only in our disordered life
Almost is she unknown.

She is not rest, nor sleep, nor death;
Order and motion ever stand
To carry out her firm behests
As guards at her right hand.

And something of her living force
Fashions the lips when Christians say
To Him Whose strength sustains the world,
"Give us Thy Peace, we pray!"


more Bessie Rayner Parkes

  • Stories 4
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  • Rating 4.18
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Madison  Griggs by Madison Griggs
  • 6 years ago

This poem moved me emotionally. I was not in tears, but I almost was.

  • Paul T. McMahon by Paul T. McMahon
  • 6 years ago

A beautiful and inspired poem about a sometimes elusive quality that we all so much need to permeate our hearts. Maybe it has something to do with understanding and being understood and having our fears allayed and replaced with and by love. I really like the gender you have attributed to peace. Too much patriarchy in life, not enough recognition that the female is in actual fact the pre-eminent form of human kind and that the uniqueness and equality of humans should be our collective focus. God bless you, best wishes.
~Paul in Australia

  • Manasvi Verma by Manasvi Verma
  • 8 years ago

Such a great poet, such a great poem. It helped me in my project.

  • Ahmed Almakura by Ahmed Almakura
  • 8 years ago

O sweet nature made with all colourful creations just for me to say they are so full of bloom. One clue on my mind. All of you know I'm not blind, so we should be thankful for the birds that fly at night.

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