Mother's Day Poem

Child Thanking Mother Poem

Well today is Mother's Day (10/03 in England), and I have a one year old daughter who I unfortunately do not live with due to inconsolable differences I share with her mother. We find it difficult to even be civil with each other. But nevertheless, she is my daughter's mum who cares for her 24/7, and I love her for that. This poem was my way of expressing my feelings of appreciation and respect for my daughter's mother. Regardless of what we think of each other, we still have a child who needs us.

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Such a beautiful poem, I can relate my mom was so dear to me now she has stepped through Heaven's gate. Through all the stress and all the strife, she still lived a good life, she raised us...

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The Trials And Tribulations Of A One Year Old


Published by Family Friend Poems April 2014 with permission of the Author.

I cannot say how much I love you
Because I cannot talk!
Although, I can write poems in an Iambic style
And I'm just about ready to walk!

You are always there when I need you,
Tending to my every beck and call.
You make me laugh when I want to cry
And you pick me up when I fall.

I miss you when you leave the room.
I'm scared you won't return!
I'm sorry for when I misbehave.
I don't like it when you're stern!
But thank you, Mommy, for teaching me
And for helping me to learn.
I know that your unconditional love
Is something I'll never have to yearn.

I wish I could say how much I love you,
But I just can't verbalize.
I'm sure you know already, though...
Because I see that love in your eyes.


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  • Milton Robertson by Milton Robertson
  • 9 years ago

Such a beautiful poem, I can relate my mom was so dear to me now she has stepped through Heaven's gate. Through all the stress and all the strife, she still lived a good life, she raised us right.

Finally it got a bit rough The Good Lord said you've had enough, you have gave it your best,you passed all of life's tests, you stayed strong it's time to come home.
I never feel alone. To all moms you are our back bone.

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