Faith Poem

Needing The Lord

I know how it feels to be lost at sea, to feel unloved, unwanted, and drowning in misery. There's no one to blame; it was my own anxiety and despair until I realised there was help out there. That help came from the Lord, my shepherd. I'm completely certain I heard Him speak to me, and suddenly everything fell into place.

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I love this poem. I send blessings to you, Beryl. The words mean so much for me, because I know that we are the sheep and also the shepherd. We need but recall our Spiritual Father, "God,"...

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Analysis of Form and Technique

The Shepherd Slept

Beryl L Edmonds © more by Beryl L Edmonds

Published by Family Friend Poems August 2018 with permission of the Author.

There was a shepherd who fell fast asleep
So there was no one to see to his sheep.
The sheep were delighted, freedom at last
Followed the leader and ran away fast.

All was hunky dory; they had a ball,
Walking for miles over fields, hills, moors.
Then came the sunset and the night grew dim.
They began to feel that freedom was grim.

They grew hungry and went in search of food -
Couldn't find forage and became subdued.
It was hard to lie down and get their sleep,
As they were pursued by some ghastly beasts.

So tired and weary they wished to be
Back in the flock and the hand of safety.
They realised they needed their shepherd's care,
For love, food and shelter that's always there.

When the sheep had almost lost every hope,
A familiar face came over the slopes.
It was their shepherd and all ran with glee
To show they were glad to see him, truly.

They vowed they'd never run away again
And prayed in thanks for the shepherd God sent.



Analysis of Form and Technique

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Techniques this poem uses:

  • This poem has five four-line rhyming stanzas ending with a rhyming couplet.
    Read more about stanzas
  • Each line is made up of ten syllables
  • This is a great poem for parents to discuss with children.

More Poems with Analysis of Form and Technique


My interest and love of poetry began at school, when I was fourteen years of age. The class were given the project of writing an anthology of verse, using our own poetry and designing the cover for our book.
I really enjoyed the project and still have the book I made.
Poetry has remained a lifelong hobby, I enjoy reading and writing poems to...

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Thank you, Teresa. We certainly do need the help of the Lord. We often stray and lose the way, but God is watching over us and has an answer to every prayer we pray.

  • Teresa Zajewska by Teresa Zajewska
  • 5 years ago

I like the poem. It shows that we, like sheep, need the helping hand of our Lord always! Without Him, we would be lost!

Pina Cirillo,
Thank you very much for the review, it's most appreciated. Sheep and shepherd...yes, I agree that's how we should strive to be. Everyone has a special gift God blesses us with, though the glory of every talent is His.
"Great is the art that comes flowing from the heart
You don't need expertise, the Lord sows the seeds."

  • Pina Cirillo by Pina Cirillo
  • 6 years ago

I love this poem. I send blessings to you, Beryl. The words mean so much for me, because I know that we are the sheep and also the shepherd. We need but recall our Spiritual Father, "God," and we will feel the loving warmth of the wonderful embrace of the gifts that we originally all have been created with, from the beginning of time. I, too, have many poems that were written through me through automatic writings. I must also share them so the gifts may spread to all humanity. That way we will grow in unity. Love and peace. Many blessings!

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