Funeral Poem

Poem For Father's Memorial Service

I wrote this poem to recite at my father's memorial service. I was having a very difficult time coming to terms with the loss of my father who was taken from us very suddenly. I find one of the best ways to deal with suffering a great loss is to create something new. When something of beauty can be inspired and created amidst such great sorrow it serves as a reminder that things will get better. No matter how dark the days seem to be, there is always a light to be found.

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I'm sorry for the very late reply. I hope that you indeed did use my poem for your dad's memorial service. The process of writing this really helped me through my grieving process, and if my...

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The Greatest Man


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2013 with permission of the Author.

I knew a man, he was the greatest man
I've known in all my days.
Then one day God called on him,
and now he's gone away.

I loved this man with all my heart,
and in my heart he'll stay.
Continuing to lift me up,
and lead me when I stray.

This great man he was my Dad,
he meant the world to me.
He was always there supporting me,
even when he disagreed.

He was my rock, my sounding board,
He could always make me see.
The things in life that matter most,
are truth and family.

Even though eye to eye,
we do not always see.
I promise Dad to live my life,
with love and honesty.

I miss you Dad so very much,
and deeply it pains me.
I can't believe I won't hear your voice,
your face no longer see.

I hope you know you're my hero,
and this you'll always be.
I will find strength, I'll carry on,
I'll make you proud of me.

Until the day we meet again,
I know waiting you will be.
In paradise, I'll see you there,
with your arms wide open for me.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Donna Stothfang by Donna Stothfang
  • 1 year ago

I am a funeral celebrant and will use your poem for an 18 year old and a 20 year old who lost their dad suddenly. Thank you so much.

  • Zarena by Zarena, NY
  • 9 years ago

Your poem has hit that special chord in my memory bank. It just spilt every emotion in me. I ask permission to use it for my own Dad's memorial! God bless the soul of your Dad and you!

  • Derick Revane by Derick Revane
  • 8 years ago

I'm sorry for the very late reply. I hope that you indeed did use my poem for your dad's memorial service. The process of writing this really helped me through my grieving process, and if my poem can help others in the same way, then it has done exactly what I intended it to do by posting it. Thank you.

This is absolutely beautiful. Your dad is watching over you with pride. Thank you for sharing this with us. God bless your grieving heart.

Kathy J Parenteau

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