I Love You Poem

Poem About Experiencing Firsts As A Couple

I was what I thought was in love, I spent 3 years with the wrong man, a good man, just not the right one for me. when I found my Sticker nothing else compared, I will spend forever knowing true love and friendship in the man who has changed it all.

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You appear and my heart beats faster, You look at me and I blush, You smile at me and I melt, You talk to me and I can hardly breathe, You touch me and everything around me fades, You...

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The Easiest Thing I Have Ever Done


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2008 with permission of the Author.

the first time we spoke
my ears heard a song
the first time we met
my eyes sang along

the first time we kissed
my lips muttered the words
the first walk in the woods
brought the chorus of birds

the first movie I spent
cuddled in your arms
in the background I heard
the whispering of charms

the first time you said
I love you to me
the sounds of my heart
could have parted the sea

all the first in the past
and the first still ahead
all the laughter and fun
and tears that we've shed

such a beautiful song
written by our life
perhaps can continue
as husband and wife

I love you forever
from this moment on
my love will be written
in a poem or a song


  • Stories 4
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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Annie De Regla by Annie De Regla
  • 10 years ago

You appear and my heart beats faster,
You look at me and I blush,
You smile at me and I melt,
You talk to me and I can hardly breathe,
You touch me and everything around me fades,
You kiss me and I feel I could fly,
You hold me and I know that I love you.
You and I.

  • Frankie Morales by Frankie Morales
  • 11 years ago

If we never had met that special day. I would still be looking for love on my way. The first look, the first kiss, those sweet memories I wont forget. If we never met that special day. I would not have real love like this.

  • Gordon Jackson by Gordon Jackson
  • 12 years ago

Love your Poem. Simple and to the point. You must love your man very much. Please read, "That Woman" which I wrote about my Wife of 44 years.

  • Robin by Robin
  • 14 years ago

Your love sounds just like mine...it's a love song that plays in my heart all day long. He went to the same school as I did in our teen years but we never met until now and he has carried his love for me this long, we are engaged and waiting until he is ready to marry..he has been through so much on his way to me that all I want to do is love him, thanks for sharing your poem

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