Depression Poem by Teens

The story on our face is not the story of what is going on within.

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Everyone is beautiful. I'm sorry if something made you feel like you weren't. I can connect with the poem for reasons I don't care to name, but I'm glad you said something. I can't convince...

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Suicidal Temptations


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2008 with permission of the Author.

Shattered soul, tattered mind.
The way back is what I hope to find.
Broken dreams lost without a trace.
Lately I've been feeling a little out of place.
Broken heart fills me with sorrow.
Please God, tell me there will be a brighter day tomorrow.
There's only a temporary enjoyment I feel.
If you looked deep into my eyes, they will reveal
The hurt, the pain.
Please God, tell me I'm not insane.


  • Stories 7
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  • Rating 4.39
Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Joel Ukeje by Joel Ukeje
  • 1 year ago

I am touched by this poem. It made me remember my past.

  • James Bessinas by James Bessinas
  • 6 years ago

This is how I felt earlier today because my dad left me for the third time, and it made me feel like a sack of crap. I'm 13.

  • Haylee by Haylee, Ohio
  • 11 years ago

This is beyond beautiful.

  • Cashea Farmer by Cashea Farmer
  • 12 years ago

Hurt, betrayed, broken is all I feel when I take a trip down memory lane.. With no one there to really understand me.. I wish I didn't have a heart nor feelings.. I wish that I could learn how to trust again.. So many questions I have with no reasonable answers.. Feeling like there is no point for my existence.. Find myself asking God to take me home because I'm afraid of where this is leading me.. Suicide seems to be my easiest and quickest way of escaping all these emotions.. Question is. Do I stay? Or do I go?

  • Salma Singh by Salma Singh
  • 4 years ago

The best decision is to live your life, turn on the new you. This time be brave and keep past memories by, even though it is hard to.

  • Ilyme by Ilyme
  • 7 years ago

Everyone is beautiful. I'm sorry if something made you feel like you weren't. I can connect with the poem for reasons I don't care to name, but I'm glad you said something. I can't convince you, I can't help you if you don't want to be helped, but I want you to always know that you were carefully made. That sounds weird, but if you think about it, everyone is born with the light and the dark and the good and the ugly. You're no exception. Let your light shine bright and focus on today. The world wants you, or it wouldn't have welcomed you. If times get tough, I always try to remember that there is always someone out there who loves you. And that someone is God. I'm sorry to say that I'm not very religious (despite this philosophical mess of words), but I always try to find solace I that. But remember, God may love you, but by loving you, He wants you alive.

  • Emilie by Emilie
  • 15 years ago

This means so much. This is such an amazing poem. I mean, I am 14. And I feel exactly that way. Not that I would ever want to commit suicide. I mean, So many people I would let down. I couldn't do that. And the fact that... I'm too much of a wussy to even hurt myself. I could never, but this poem... it just hits me hard. Its very very beautiful.

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