Christmas Poem

This a poem of the story of Christmas as witnessed by the shepherds.

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Spread The Word (A Shepherd's Christmas Story)

Marcia A. Newton © more by Marcia A. Newton

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2020 with permission of the Author.

The stars shone bright one silent night when shepherds saw a brilliant light.
They heard the angels sing their song, "The Lord, the Savior has been born.
In swaddling clothes You'll find the babe within a manger filled with hay."
The angels sang:
"Spread the word, rejoice, and sing. Christ is born, the King of Kings.
Spread the word. Give thanks and praise. Christ is born this Christmas Day."

On hearing news that Christ was born, the shepherds traveled into town.
They found the babe who was foretold inside a stable to behold.
They knelt and prayed before the child and gazed in awe and then they smiled
when angels sang:
"Spread the word, rejoice, and sing. Christ is born, the King of Kings.
Spread the word. Give thanks and praise. Christ is born this Christmas Day."

Then Mary heard what they were told that night by angels in the cold.
They spoke of light and heaven's song. They spoke of searching for the One.
Then Mary pondered all these things. Her child was Lord, the King of Kings.
The angels sang:
"Spread the word, rejoice, and sing. Christ is born, the King of Kings.
Spread the word. Give thanks and praise. Christ is born this Christmas Day."

Then they returned to watch their fields. Their lives were changed, a message revealed.
Go spread the word of all you've seen, that Christ is born, the Savior King.
Go spread the word. Give thanks and praise. Go spread the love this Christmas Day.
The angels sang:
"Spread the word, rejoice, and sing. Christ is born, the King of Kings.
Spread the word. Give thanks and praise. Christ is born this Christmas Day".

Go spread the love this Christmas Day.


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