Poem about Spirituality

I wrote this poem when I was 22 years old and I was in my advanced training for the Army. My heart was on fire for God during this time in my life. Every day I would wake up and thank God for anything and everything. I was so overwhelmed with positive emotions and I loved it. One day I didn't feel the "fire" in my heart, so I started to write. I didn't know what I was going to write, but this poem is what I produced.

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This poem is awesome. I have been dealing with a lot of problems of last (past year) and I feel that I am alone sometimes. I don't know what I am suppose to do next. I attend church and...

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Speak To My Heart


Published by Family Friend Poems December 2010 with permission of the Author.

So Silent...so still
Listening for God's Will
Hoping I can hear Him
Speak to my heart.

Wishing I was flawless, perfect and pure
Wondering what life trials I'm destined to endure.
Eager to seek Him, eager to grow,
What's really inside me only He and I know. 

Constant hunger and constant thirst,
Constantly striving to put the Lord first.
Feeling unsettled like something's not right
It's a spiritual war and I'm ready to fight.

Help me, Lord. Make my heart your reflection!
Calm my spirit, Lord, point me in the right direction.

With everything I am I want to serve You,
Hold me in your hands, Lord, so to you I stay true.

My life is yours, God, this I reaffirm today,
In everything I do, Lord, You have the final say.

My heart is heavy like I lost a loved one,
My soul is crying for comfort from His Son.
Lord Jesus, come! Be everything that I am!
Help me to see and live Your master plan.

To you, Lord God, I give all the glory,
Be alive in me, Father, while I tell the world my story.
I lost my life for you the night of December eighth,
I thank you every day, Lord, for making my path straight.

I am always falling down, Lord, remaining on my knees,
It's a constant reminder only you can meet my every need.

So I look to you in prayer and I ask with a sincere heart,
Cleanse me, hold me, lead me, away from the death of dark.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Susan by Susan
  • 13 years ago

This poem is awesome. I have been dealing with a lot of problems of last (past year) and I feel that I am alone sometimes. I don't know what I am suppose to do next. I attend church and love God so much. I know he is there and will lead me in the right path. I have been doubting myself and this poem makes me feel as that God has a purpose for me and all I have to do is let him do his work. This raised my spirits a lot. He is the only one who can comfort me in this time regardless of my situation.

  • Suzanne Wink by Suzanne Wink, Casper WY
  • 14 years ago

I really needed to hear this, came at the right second, I really have not been able to connect to god. I got a lot out of this I am still crying. I love god with all my heart but so much has happened and I just feel like I am here for what reason I don't know but this poem let me know he is still here and he loves me too even if I am just a throw away I am still his throw away. Thank you for your company and help

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