Love Poem by Teens

You Make Me Smile And Feel Comfortable Poem

Hi, I'm Jazmine and I'm 15 years old, and this is about my boyfriend for 8 months now and how makes me feel so AWESOME!

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My boyfriend is also my best friend he makes me feel safe when I'm in his arms he makes me laugh when I'm down he tells me I'm beautiful and that i never need to change. He loves me for me...

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Something About You


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2011 with permission of the Author.

Something about you makes me smile
Something about you makes me feel so comfortable
Something about you made me fall in love with you

You put the broken pieces of my heart together,
and kept it together for so long

Something about you was able to make me silly around you,
without feeling dumb
Something about you makes me want to be around you all the time
Something about you makes me think about you too much.

It's not really something about you,
It's just you that holds my heart in place
It's you that makes me smile and bust out laughing
It's you that made me become silly with you
It's you that holds me in your arms!


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Athena by Athena, Cadyville NY
  • 11 years ago

My boyfriend is also my best friend he makes me feel safe when I'm in his arms he makes me laugh when I'm down he tells me I'm beautiful and that i never need to change. He loves me for me and I love him. I couldn't ask for a best man even though sometimes we get mad at each other we get over it because we love each other. I love how we can play videogames together and relax and watch movies to have a good time. He makes me feel so happy and wanted. I love you babe (Cody Yelle)

  • owlcitygirl by owlcitygirl
  • 11 years ago

I know how you feel. this is how i feel all the time around my boyfriend. We've been friends forever and he finally asked me out 4 months ago.

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