Abuse Poem by Teens

Sold By Mother For Money

This is a poem about how I was sold for money by my own mom. I'm ten years old and finally ran away and got help. I let it go three years. And now I'm in foster care.

Featured Shared Story

I can totally relate. When I was born in 2005, I was abused by my birth mother. All I remember of my father was a smile, a face with ginger colored hair, and then he walked out of my life...

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Published by Family Friend Poems January 2009 with permission of the Author.

Shut your mouth and listen to what I have to say.
I'm going to take you back to that one specific day.
I was laying in bed alone while listening to you and him talk on the phone.
You said, "Well if they have the money I don't see why not.
She'll be ready by 9 o'clock."
You came in and said it's time to get up.
"Shower well and I'll make you pretty with make up."
In a pretty white dress and hair done to match,
You told me I'm a breath-taking catch.
I sat on the couch waiting with you,
But what was in store for me I had no clue.
They came in three men.
I will never forget the sight of them.
They tossed you a wad of money,
while grabbing my hand and saying, "Come with me, honey."
I didn't want to go, but you made me.
You let them rape me for money!
I cried and tried to run away,
But you helped them push me on the bed and screamed STAY!
You said to be a good little girl or I'll make you sad,
So I shut my mouth and let them do the things that were bad.
I was only 7 years old and already my innocence was lost.
You needed the money but at what cost?
Every day those men came over and brought more.
Each time you just watched at the door.
I ran away at the age of eight.
Why was I put into this fate?
I was ashamed of what was done,
So of course I could tell no one.
The day you found me you said things changed,
That I won't have to do those things.
Well mom, it was that way for a month; then you started again.
Through the door each day came the men and their friends.
Well I'm ten now and things got to come to an end.
You see I became a "woman" at the age of 9 with my monthly "friend."
Tonight while you're asleep I'm packing my bag to quietly leave,
But I want you to know that while the men were doing their "deed,"
One of them impregnated me with their seed.

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Witchdarling02 by Witchdarling02, New Hampton IA
  • 8 months ago

When I read this I got chills. It was my story it happened to me. I ended up having 2 kids by the time I was 13 and mom wanted me to keep them. But I got lucky somebody finally listened when I told them what happened and got me help. I lived in foster homes not perfect but lots better. Had 2 little girls that I gave up for adoption. It's now 30 years later I still remember, still have nightmares but those girls I gave up grew up and looked for me. They wanted their story and I told them most but they wanted to thank me for the wonderful life I gave them and it's made my nightmare almost worth it .

  • Kaitlynn Garcia by Kaitlynn Garcia
  • 6 years ago

My name is not actually Kaitlynn, but here is my story. One day when I was 4-5, my mom went to the store. My aunt was babysitting me, and my mom came home really mad. She thanked my aunt, gave her $20, and told her to go home. I got really scared and ran into my bedroom. For those of you who can't tell, my mom is a really scary person who doesn't care about anyone but herself. She took out the wooden spoon, walked into my bedroom, said I was a naughty girl and started beating me with it. I screamed for her to stop, but she wouldn't; she only said that I deserved it. Then she heard the front door open, told me to shut up and kicked me in the throat. It was my dad. She acted normal and asked him what we should do for dinner. I came out of my bedroom with a bloody nose and a bruise on my throat. My mom only looked at me and said I had been playing with a stick and some rubber bands. I shook my head violently and started to cry.

  • Midnight A Shadow by Midnight A Shadow, Maple Ridge, Canada
  • 4 years ago

I can totally relate. When I was born in 2005, I was abused by my birth mother. All I remember of my father was a smile, a face with ginger colored hair, and then he walked out of my life forever. When I turned 1, my mom decided it would be a great idea to drop me out of a five-story window. When i survived, she named me Bella, which means Angel of God. I hate that name. I'm 14 now. I have changed my name to Shadow meaning the silent or deadly one. When I turned 5, my birth mother took me to the river beside our home and held me down for 5 minutes until the police came. I now have trust issues and no friends. What I'm trying to say is that we have to stay strong and when you find that one peson you can trust, don't let them get away.

  • Gay by Gay
  • 6 years ago

I go through my days, pretending nothing is wrong. I have Depression, ADHD, and Schizophrenia. I am protecting my family and friends from what I feel. Every time they ask how I am, I always say I'M FINE. I never am fine, never good or well. I wear a mask of happiness and joy so that they won't suspect my pain. I was raped by a cousin and never told anyone to this day. It's a cousin everyone loves so much, so I thought no one would believe me, so my depression got worse. When I was in the shower or when my family was asleep I would cut. I got bullied and never told anyone. One day I had a really bad mood swing because the bullies were bothering my best friend, so I went over there and screamed and fought them. They got scared of me and left me and my friend alone for good. I was also bullied because of my race (which is African American), so I could not play with my old best friend because she is white.

  • Carena Lamar by Carena Lamar
  • 7 years ago

Your poem was deep. I cried just reading it. I was molested in my own home when I was about 5 or 6. I live in a house that once was a home my mom, turned into a crack house. What could I expect? Then our house was raided by the cops. I was put with my aunt until she didn't want me anymore and put me in a foster home where I was getting raped by multiple teen boys. I'm so sorry you went through that. Life will get better. I took a training to work with people like me and share my story.

  • Mehak Sultana by Mehak Sultana, Karnataka
  • 7 years ago

Oh, I was in grief about you after reading your story. So sad. How could a mother do this? Here we are back to the human never ending greed. It is happening day and night. It is going to become worse in upcoming years. How could a lady do that to her own daughter? Oh God! Mercy on her. It's an eye opening story for all to read. We need to make awareness of this.

  • Jessic by Jessic
  • 9 years ago

This is a really good poem and I hope that you got out in time to save your life. Did you have the baby? I have a lot of questions, my sister was a victim of rape and I need help to understand her more. if you would please contact me at
Love always, Jessic Fuentes

  • Duduzile Nyalunga by Duduzile Nyalunga, Pretoria South Africa
  • 10 years ago

Words just cannot describe the pain I feel for you young lady. No one deserves to go through this ordeal. May the good Lord heal those wounds, both physical and emotional. May He make you stronger each day to live and live. May you feel His special embrace of His love. Lots of hugs and kisses from me.

  • Thembi Maduna by Thembi Maduna
  • 8 years ago

These things happen. It happened to me. My mother sold me at the age of five. I'm well now by the grace of God.

Dear Kari
You poor little girl. Your very sad poem has touched the innermost of my soul as I am so sure it has touched many hearts of good people. I would like to say that "I can't believe that a so-called parent" would allow that to happen to an innocent little girl. Who just wanted a Mum you could feel safe with, to feel loved, accepted, assured that you were a beautiful little person, to grow into a confident and self-assured lady one day. The definition of a "Mother" is a term used as a title for a woman respected for her wisdom and age providing
Maternal love and tenderness: brought out the mother in her. However as you are so young, it will be more than heartbreaking to you and too hard to accept that someone you always would have thought would protect you and love you, did nothing of the kind. You always deserved protection, love and care. For there are many bad people out there. And there are good, who are reliable, faithful, trustworthy and kind. I am 56 years of age. I went through many bad times as a child, but not what you have gone through. I wish I could take you under my wing and to try to make things better for you. To make you feel safe and to have daily assurance that you were safe, loved and cared for. You are obviously a very intelligent girl and have learned to be emotionally self sufficient and to cope with your so-called "Mother's" lack of what you should have received always. Little Kari, you have done the right thing for you. You will never ever forget what she put you through but it is your life. And you have learned in the worst possible way, that a "parent" doesn't necessarily mean that you will be forever cared for. So sadly many of us learned this from a very early age. But we have to survive Kari. If you lived in Australia I would love to be your foster Mum and I would help you to try and get on with your life. Dear little girl, you deserve what every child has a right to expect from the day they are born, unconditional love, care, respect, safety, protection and reassurance that someone will always watch over them. Take care little Kari.

  • Cierra by Cierra
  • 8 years ago

Preach on! VERY well said. You took the words out of everyone's mouth

  • Tee by Tee, Pacific Islands
  • 10 years ago

I cannot believe a mother would allow that to happen to her daughter, no matter how much she desperately needed the money! She will definitely go to hell for this! I have two sons, no daughter. Stories like this honestly make me afraid to have a daughter because of all the horrible things that happen to girls! Reading all the comments, there are so many people who can relate to your story and that is terrible. We need to make this world a better place. Nobody should ever have to go through this!!!!!!!!!

  • Sierra by Sierra, Nola
  • 10 years ago

This poem touched my heart. Even though I don't know what it feels like to be raped, I could only imagine. You are a very strong girl. I'm guessing we are around the same age. I'm 13 and I don't think I would have survived in a situation like that. I believe you are going to be strong and independent as ever when your future comes.

  • Helena. San Jose by Helena. San Jose, California
  • 10 years ago

No words can express the feeling deep within me. Shock, no, I knew such horror existed. Pain, yes, knowing you were in pain. Thank you for sharing your story. Don't ever be ashamed. Never. You are a treasure, a beautiful young lady. That child, if you decided to keep the baby, it's a part of you and you are loving and beautiful. One correction, no two: those were not men, they were and are animals lower than a cockroach. And the woman that wasn't a woman nor a mom nor a human. Yes, they can change, become human, until then if then they are dead, unworthy to even blink a thought.

  • Claire by Claire, VA
  • 10 years ago


I am at a loss for words but after reading your poem I just had to at least try to tell you how much I admire your courage and perseverance. It is clear that you have not let those cruel and despicable experiences define you. Your mother... No, I feel I should refer to her as the woman who gave birth to you. That woman never deserved you and committed the most reprehensible betrayal. As a mother of an 11 year old daughter, I am grieving for you and what you have been through. But at the same time, I am so proud of you -- I've never met you, but I'm as proud of you as if you were my own. I am a high school teacher (17 years) and I have never met a teenager, or adult, with as much strength and courage as you apparently have within.

"Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it." - Helen Keller

  • Tiffany by Tiffany
  • 11 years ago

You are a very strong person. Never let your past define who you are. I know it's easer said then done. I was sexually molested by 3 men. My mom ex boyfriend at the age of 6, my current stepdad for about 11 years and then a college peer. Everyday it is a challenge for me to get up and choose to live life. But with God and all the supports he put in my life, I have been able to overcome cutting, burning and so many more self harming behaviors. I will keep you in my prayers. Just remember it was never or will it ever be your fault. And their is light at the end of the tunnel. It just takes a lot of hard work on our part.

  • Drey Farias by Drey Farias
  • 11 years ago

I know how you feel because the same thing happened to me. I am so sorry you had to go through this. I'm 13 right now and I feel your pain. You did not have to live that way because of those filthy monsters. Don't worry life will get better I promise.

  • Katelyn by Katelyn, CA
  • 11 years ago

I am so sorry for what you went through. I am your age and couldn't begin to imagine having a four year old. How are you and the baby? Did it survive? Once again, I am astonished at how cruel people are. It is one thing to sell yourself but selling someone else by force?

  • Anna Fisher by Anna Fisher, Los Angeles
  • 11 years ago

Kari, healing prayers to you. Your poem is exceptional just like you! You are 12 or 13 now and I hope each day you will continue to express yourself through the arts. I took my poems of painful experiences and set them to music and played oboe and English horn on them to recover from things too horrific to talk about. My first song, "Break the Silence - Stop the Violence" helped free me from my fear and use my energy in a positive way to help others. I also got involved with helping spread the word to pass Erin's Law created by Erin Merryn (also a survivor of child sexual abuse and terror) trying to get it passed in 50 states. Keep shining, Kari and all others who've been there or know someone who has, one love.

  • Baybay by Baybay
  • 11 years ago

OMG I don't even know who you are but, I LOVE you and respect you. I really hope that you will find peace of mind and learn to forgive those evil, EVIL men. I have not been raped or beaten myself but I am truly heartbroken on what you had to endure. Being 12 at the moment, I can hardly believe it. God bless you.

  • Justme by Justme
  • 7 years ago

God bless you, dear Kari. They cannot be called 'men' for what they did. They are dirty evil scums. I cannot believe what people do and think it is okay to do. But the pain and everything at that age is completly unfair and I feel so sorry for you. Take care, dear girls...

  • Aliza by Aliza, New York
  • 12 years ago

I'm so sorry this happened to you. The same thing happened to me when I was ten it started when I was 8. I'm 24 now. I'm so happy at least you got away from it I didn't and I still live with it everyday. It's so hard trying to pull a tough face off when your dying inside. You can read my story if you want to at wattpad.com my user name is Playthings and the story is called Still alive. You don't have to I would just like it if you did.

  • Fallenangel by Fallenangel
  • 12 years ago

Omg such innocence is gone I want to tell you be strong. It's hard I went through something similar. I'm glad you left, your mother doesn't deserve you or your love she is a waste of space she's not worth the ground you walk on. Shame on her . I hope you're doing ok and getting through this ok. My god, some people don't deserve to have kids. My prayers will be with you now and forever.

  • Stephanie Adrieana Lopez by Stephanie Adrieana Lopez
  • 12 years ago

I'm really sorry for what happened to you. While reading with my best friend I was about to cry but then I done been through some things with my mom with sexual abuse and tried to commit suicide four times. So by then I realized god made me stay alive ... for what reason I have no idea but everyday I open my eyes I realize he wants me to get over it and become something. Soo please hang in there I can guarantee you everything will be right !!!

  • Annabelle by Annabelle, Montezuma Creek
  • 12 years ago

I have connected with this story, so much. I've gone through the same thing. But with my dad. It's been going on for a long time now, it just stopped, like, two years ago. After I met a boy and I ran away from all the pain and hurt. I was beaten by him if I tried to tell or fight back. But now, I have a beautiful baby boy, the sweetest one <3. And from my boyfriend I got two cute twins ^^

  • Sabra by Sabra
  • 12 years ago

Well, I know kind of what she was going through, my dad let his friends do sexual things to me just so he could get drugs.. I got pregnant age 11 because of the one guy, I don't associate with many guys. Just one, I have his baby, I'm now 17, he's my world, my everything. I ran away from my dad, to live the life I knew I should have lived.

  • Dawn by Dawn
  • 12 years ago

This poem is truly amazing I was 13 when I was raped by my step dad for 3 years and I ended up pregnant at 16. I now have a beautiful baby girl but I will never forget what he did to me.

  • Kassie by Kassie
  • 12 years ago

This story is so sad. You inspire me. I read this in school (wasn't supposed to though.... hehehe!) and I started crying. Everyone stopped doing what they were doing and asked me why I was crying. I didn't answer just kept crying. I'm sorry for what happened to you. Stay Strong.

  • Amm by Amm, ME
  • 12 years ago

I had was also sexually abused when I was younger. It was awful. Now I have a really hard time trusting any guy. I never really told anyone but my 2 best friends...no one else knows. It's hard when all you want is the love of a boy but you cant trust them because of something that happened in the past. I am learning to trust guys again but it's not easy.
I read this poem and was horrified....horrified enough to cry. Stay strong, you are amazing at writing....keep it up. Even though I don't know you, I love you, and I love that you had the strength to leave....something I didn't have the courage to do. I wish you the best and you are in my prayers, god bless you.

  • Jon Galway by Jon Galway
  • 12 years ago

When I was 5 I was touched and have been afraid to speak out but I'm 12 now and never let myself think of it for the thought of it frightened me so I thought I had it bad. But I clearly don't know the meaning of the word.

  • Anonymous by Anonymous, Anonymous
  • 12 years ago

OMG! You must have been scared to death! It has never happened to me, but to a very great friend. My friend didn't tell anyone besides me! I told her mother, and she asked my friend about it! I was there to support her, and it was her mom's boyfriend that did it whenever he babysat her, while her mom was at work! I'm at age 15 and I just about cried my eyes out after I was done reading this poem! I showed my mom and she cried too! Have a happy life and make GREAT decisions!

  • Keara by Keara, Ohio
  • 12 years ago

I am so sorry for this to happen to anybody! I saved it on my Aunt's IPad and she read it and started crying because this happened to her. When I saved it I didn't remember that happened. This poem shows that it is very lucky for people to forget how lucky they are. There is this really mean girl that goes to my school and once I showed her this she has changed! I used to think I had it bad. Until I thought of this happening.

  • Destiny by Destiny
  • 12 years ago

Wow, I almost cried when I read this. You have a lot of courage, please don't feel guilty at all those men don't deserve for you to feel guilty, they should be put in jail!!!! I'm so sorry and may god watch over you and be with you, god bless you!!! I don't know you but I love you and you have some real courage. Go girl you can get over it, live life to the fullest and make the best out of it!!!!

  • Quaneisha by Quaneisha
  • 12 years ago

I was raped throughout my life so far. I am now 17 and the last time I got raped I was 15. But I know live in Raintree Village Childrens home and I never felt so at home. But the last person that raped me was my father. With the protection of no mother I had no one to tell because my step mom didn't believe me until I moved in RTV and then he raped my 6 year old niece and then she decided to feel bad. My dad tried to kill himself by getting in a wreck with a semi-truck in Ocilla. I had no one to run to and no one to love me except myself but I know I'm gonna make it because I have faith in God and in myself.

  • Ashley by Ashley, Washington
  • 12 years ago

I read his poem and it brought me to tears instantaneously! I have never been raped or "touched" but I do know how it feels to be lied to and abused. I have been abused before and I've promised to myself that it would never happen again! I have never met you and probably never will, but know this: you are a strong person, God loves you, I love you. A real man would never do that to you. Be careful who you trust. I wasn't and that led to unwanted things. I am 14 and I am forever scared. I know that you will be too. Please don't give up! life can be worth living if you make it to be. God will always love you! I will pray for you. If you ever feel scared, pray to him. He will help you. With all my thoughts and hope,
Ashley <3

  • Violet by Violet
  • 13 years ago

I know things can be hard sweetheart but that will all be better. I have never been raped but I know that everything happens for a reason. I am 11 and all you girls out there DO NOT be afraid to tell someone. I got a great idea write a book about being raped with other teens people will listen trust me.

  • Clara by Clara, United States
  • 13 years ago

This Poem brought me to tears, I'm so sorry about what those men did to you. You were brave for running away. I do wish your life is going better.

  • Mauri by Mauri, California
  • 13 years ago

I just wanted to let you know that you are a very strong young lady and I admire your strength with my whole heart and I know I may not fully understand but I can comprehend and I want you to love yourself first and never be afraid to use your beautiful little voice because it is powerful and you have touched many

  • Misty Melody by Misty Melody
  • 13 years ago

This is a beautiful poem and all I can say is stay strong girl. I live in an abusive environment and I hate it and I'm trying my best to leave, but my environment is no where as bad as this. You are an AMAZING poet and I definitely respect you for that. Keep on going, you'll make it through no matter what.

  • Jamilla Dempsey by Jamilla Dempsey
  • 13 years ago

Some people really disgust me. I can't believe your mother would do such a thing for money. I was shocked when I saw how many girls my age (13) were going through this. My best friend was sexually abused by her father at six and her life is screwed up now. I would stop all this if I could. By reading this poem I realized how many things in my life I take for granted.

You're a really strong, independent young girl. Keep on fighting, and one day, you'll have your justice.

  • Anonymous by Anonymous, Anonymous
  • 13 years ago

Wow! You ARE Strong!!!!! I know, though, it's probably still hard for you when you think about it but THROUGH EVERY BAD THING something good comes out of it I've learned that through my own life too but sometimes I just wonder how on earth is this going to work out for GOOD but it will! trust me. better yet, trust God. He lets things happen for a reason. for GOOD reasons even when we don't know what they are. That's just because we can't see the whole picture. and HE CAN. He will come through, we just have to wait. Which is the hard part. But wait in EXPECTANCY. Be strong meanwhile too! I know what that must feel like. :( I can't imagine going through that. I'm 12 but when I was younger I let a boy look at my privates and do other weird stuff to/with me and I regretted it and I know that's not as bad as what happened to you but just stay strong and believe in yourself. THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT!!! DO NOT FEEL GUILTY.

  • Alexis by Alexis, Texas
  • 13 years ago

You are truly strong! I had to read this TWICE to get the full meaning. I hope those "men" get what they deserve!! Real MEN wouldn't do that. I hope you stay strong the worst is already over the rest will be better!
I was "touched" when I was 6 or 7 it only went on for a couple of days. I am now 11 and I still see him and try not to get in his line of view. An the only reason I see him sometimes is because I was never strong enough to speak out. I am glad you did!!! Stay STRONG!!!!

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 13 years ago

I have been raped repeatedly by people I've trusted and people I've never even met. Had my virtue stolen at 10, and had been invaded repeatedly by a number of people up until I was 11. I am 12 now and forever scarred, but you have had to go through all of this. You inspire me, and I want you to know that no matter what happens, God will always be watching over you. You have done NOTHING wrong. YOU are a SYMBOL of all GOOD, PURE, and INNOCENT. NO sadistic man or even WOMEN on this entire EARTH could take that away from you unless you were to willingly give it to them. YOU are the strongest girl I have ever seen and there are people out there who DO care for you. :,) I've never met you or even talked to you before, but either way, I LOVE YOU. I hope God will make everything all right for you and your dear child. MAY GOD BE WITH YOU. I may be 12 now, but I will always remember this poem and this story. It has touched me and I burst out crying when I read this. You'll be in my prayers <3 I love you

  • Silenced by Silenced, California
  • 13 years ago

You're a really strong girl...I admire you for your courage. At the age of 6 I was touched by older cousin, I acted as if I were asleep, I never knew it was going to happen. At the age of 10 I had memories and remembered what happened since that day on I can't forget it. And as I remembered I saw him touch my female cousin who was sleeping with me that night. I walk along streets usually and I get really scared to walk near grown mans. Everytime I see a story like this or have memories I cry and I cant stop, Nightmares take over me and there's nothing I can do. Worst of all, ONLY I know what happed that night. :'(

  • Unknown by Unknown
  • 13 years ago

When I was 6 years old I was raped by my brothers best friend. I trusted him, I understand what it's like when someone you trust does something to hurt you. I am now 14 about to turn 15. It awesome that you went and got help. I was so little that I didn't know what to do I didn't tell anyone exactly what happen till 2 years ago and now there is nothing that can be done I admire you for your courage.

  • Binny by Binny
  • 13 years ago

I was raped when I was 7 by a man who lived near my house. I'm 15 now but still I fell very uncomfortable going out from my house and talking to strange people. Though the incident took place eight years from now but those memories still haunt me. Your story is really sad but still it gave me inspiration to share my story over here. I'm really sorry for you but I hope the very best for your further life. May GOD BLESS YOU.

  • Chelsee by Chelsee
  • 13 years ago

It is a horrible truth that this does happen and by speaking up it helps those that may be stuck in the same or a similar situation to what you were. Know that you can leave and be safe and that you will be able to live your life no matter how much it may effect you.
May God bless you with peace in your heart, you truly deserve it.

  • Michaela by Michaela, Maine
  • 13 years ago

You're a very strong girl. Don't let the sick minded people in the world bring you down. Keep strong and even though you can't forget the past, try not to think about it because you have a bright future and you deserve better. I know how you feel. I was once touched in a place that wasn't meant to be touched. It was my father's friend but I told my father and that sick man is now in jail. It was when I was 6 years old. I'm now 13 years old and I'm a living a normal life. You can't make the pain go forever but you can try to make it stop hurting as long as you can. Trust me, it works.

  • Francesca by Francesca
  • 13 years ago

I came across this poem as I was searching the internet for a poem to study for English GCSE, I read this poem and I recoiled in horror. I sure hope those men get what's coming to them and I hope you are able to make a great life for yourself despite these horrifying experiences. I decided to choose this poem in particular to write about for English and I hope by doing so I can help raise awareness for this kind of abuse. One last thing, Thank you for sharing this story with us, I can imagine it wasn't easy.

  • Maria by Maria
  • 13 years ago

The same thing happened to me except it was not as bad as yours. I admire you my story starts at 10 and I was molested for 4 years by my stepdad and now I am turning 15. Your poem has giving me hope but I had told mom but she has done nothing because of our situation and it really truly is hard and may the lord bless you so much

  • Cleveland by Cleveland, Ohio
  • 14 years ago

Your story touched me deep inside. I am truly sorry for what you were forced to endure. Abuse of a child by any ones hands is horrible. Unfortunately many situations quite like your own are sealed in the mind of the victim. You are strong, good and brave. You didn't do anything wrong. By the hand of the persons that did and had party to this against you, they are to blame. Remember this you will always have your innocence in your heart until the day you give it to someone. Many Blessing young lady and I pray for your healing. You are loved, cared about by people who don't even know you and don't want anything from you. Take Care and be safe. May the Divine watch over and protect you and may justice be seen in your life time.

With Genuine Well Wishes and Kindness

  • Irene by Irene, North Carolina
  • 14 years ago

Sweetheart, you are an inspiration of true strength. It hurts my heart to know what you have suffered through. Contact this organization, or have a trusting adult contact them for you.

National Headquarters

StandUp For Kids
83 Walton Street
Suite 100
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
T 800.365.4KID
F 404.954.6610

Email: staff@standupforkids.org

God Bless you and I pray he camp his angels around you.


  • Ally by Ally, Ohio
  • 14 years ago

my mom abuses me too i'm 10 and.....I want to live with my dad...she slams doors in my face. She even threatens to kill us.....I don't like looking at the scars

  • Marshall by Marshall, Arkansas
  • 14 years ago

I was raped andmolested when I was three by my step grandfather. He has done the same thing to my sister. He spent 8 years for me and 9 year for my sister. He is now out and I stiil want to see him and understand why he did this and hurt me and my sister.

  • Logan by Logan, Iowa
  • 14 years ago

I read your poem today in school. It really touched me. I talked about it to a couple of my friends, and we all were shocked by your story. You are so strong to tell your story like this and you need to speak up. You are a magnificent young person and deserve better than this. I would love to have an update on how you are doing.

  • Nezzie by Nezzie, Denver
  • 14 years ago

Hi, my name is Inez, you poor thing. When you left, why didn't you go to the police? He should be in jail!! Your mom should also be in jail. Have you spoken to anyone about the hell they put you through? How did you cope? I was sexually assaulted at the age of eight by my brother (who happens to be in prison now for molesting his grandchildren), but I blocked out of my head. You are a very strong child. Your poem was sad, but excellent. You are a very bright child also. I will pray for you.

  • Shy by Shy
  • 14 years ago

your story is amazing. that all I can say, this poem has touched my heart.. the similar thing happened to me except it was my father doing it.. I'm so happy that your finally safe.

  • Maggie by Maggie, Ny
  • 14 years ago

I've never been abused. I truly have an amazing family and my parents love me very much. My mother could never do what your mother did. I want you to know, people love you, I do. Your an amazing person and with your story you can get kids out of a living nightmare. God Bless you sooo much, i'll be praying for you.

  • Nikki Lu by Nikki Lu, Ontario
  • 14 years ago

You are the strongest little girl ever...It has touched my heart how your mom played you like that over and over again. I couldn't think of how to get through with this stuff at your age! Sweetie, is Okay. You did nothing wrong! Running away is everything you could've done. I'm so so so thankful that you are in a foster care right now. Poor baby, This story made me cry for 20 whole minutes, I sent it to my friends and they just immediately called me and we started crying again. God bless you and we give our greatest greatest luck. You will become a successful woman, strong and beautiful. :) Good luck darling!

  • Athena by Athena, CA
  • 14 years ago

I am in distraught over your experiences Kari! While reading your poem I felt sick to my heart and to my stomach.
When I was young I had been beaten abused but nothing what you had been through.
I'm so sorry for your loss, of innocence and for your pain!
Like what a lot of the comments I read, I agree you are so strong!
I hope and pray your life is better now, far away from your mother!
With Love ~ Athena

  • Kara Von Schnackenberg by Kara Von Schnackenberg
  • 14 years ago

You are such a strong little girl. I'm 14 and I can't even begin to imagine what you went through. The strength you had to find to walk away at such a young age......you are incredible. In addition to your story your writing itself, was incredible. It was very well written. You will be in my prayers and may God bless you in everything you do in life. Best of Luck!
-Kara <3

  • Joanna by Joanna, LA
  • 14 years ago

Omg I went through the same stuff my brothers friend did it to me. I am very sorry and I wish you the best of luck and you are the strongest person

  • Harmony Pickett by Harmony Pickett
  • 14 years ago

Oh honey you are so brave I have read this once but it is burnt into my mind I will never forget this story and I desperately hope you make it

  • Mj by Mj, Washington
  • 14 years ago

I've had many people in my family raped, all women and none of them ever went to the police. Some of the rapists were also people in my family. Luckily, I have never had to go through this, but just the thought and reading this made me cry. This world is so cruel, and it is only my faith in God that makes me believe that good people DO exist. I wish you only happiness and a good life. You deserve it, for being so strong and writing something like this and sharing it. God bless you.

  • Nicola by Nicola
  • 14 years ago

Oh my gosh, I'm soo sorry to hear this. I admire you so much for your strength, remember there are people out there that understand, I'm 14 and I haven't been abused.. childhood should be full of fun and laughter not anger and sadness, if you've kept the baby, my thoughts are with you and your child and I wish you all the best.. and stay away from those men and your so called 'mother'. wish you all the best, good luck for future and remember to keep your head held high, best wishes

  • Mercedes by Mercedes, San Angelo Texas
  • 14 years ago

I'm 16 and went through almost the same things as you did when I was 9 , I was raped for about two years by my older cousin, my mother was a drug addict so she was always passed out on the couch while my cousin raped me. Your poem touched me in so many ways, I have so much respect for you, you are a strong woman someone with so much strength is destined to be great. Women like are lucky to have been able to get away from nasty men. I wish you the best, always stay stronger/

  • Moirra by Moirra
  • 14 years ago

Darling I'm so Sorry! I was raped when I was six it lasted 2 years ever summer. But my parents didn't know they just thought they were taking me to my friends to be babysat while they were at work. You are Very strong And Brave!!
I never got pregnant. Even though I don't know you (((Hugs))) I wish you enough, and I hope you can get pass it enough were it doesn't pain you everyday.

  • Jessie by Jessie
  • 14 years ago

You are so strong. It is so incomprehensible to imagine that someone would treat someone else that way. Let alone your own mother! Just remember there are always people who care, so don't be afraid to speak up and ask for help. It may seem like the world is full of terrible people. But it is also full of wonderful people. Who will always be there to help you! You are so strong and congratulations for having the courage to take a stand. You are very brave.

  • Natalie by Natalie, Saint Paul Minnesota
  • 14 years ago

Oh My Gosh! at only 10 years of age you have become a mother! my younger sister is 10 and I can't imagine what it would be like if she was a mother! I would be an aunt at only fifteen! Your story has touched me SO much! I am part of a group called synergy, we are a performing arts social justice program and we do plays on people's lives! I was wondering if you would let me do a play on your life?

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 14 years ago

I can not believe that happened to you! People are sick. just sick. I thought my life was hard, but you really opened my eyes. this was an incredible poem. As I read this my eyes filled up with tears. you are so strong. keep it up. :)

  • Prochik by Prochik, Kelowna
  • 14 years ago

OMG sweetie I know exactly how you feel. I went through the same thing, but with my dad. He and all his big friends would all come one night and just take turns with me. They beat up my mom and told me if I told anyone what they were doing they would kill her. So I let it go on for years until I finally talked to the police...I was also pregnant and when I got the DNA test back my dad was the dad

  • Amy by Amy
  • 14 years ago

Oh My God poor thing :'( I was raped as well and I know that what you went through was just horrible. I was 13 when I was raped and I'll keep you in my prayers. Never give up on life baby girl<3

  • Katherine by Katherine
  • 14 years ago

your such a strong little girl! that must of been hell... I love this poem so much, I love it even more because your 10 and wrote it! that's amazing.. you didn't deserve ANY of that.. at all! I was molested as a child too.. keep your head up :) don't let it ruin your life.. I hope everything's going good for you! I admire you and this poem!!

  • Portsmouth England by Portsmouth England
  • 14 years ago

I feel so sorry for you I would be so scared if that happened to me this poem made me cry I'm only 12 and would hate that

  • Rosita Mora by Rosita Mora
  • 15 years ago

This poem was beautiful it made tears fill my eyes. I'm so sorry for what happened to you, I've always been told to honor my mother and father but she was no mother at all. how could you sit and watch that happen to your own daughter.!!! Sorry but she doesn't deserve a child. For money wow and The men that did that there just sick and twisted men who couldn't get anything from anyone there own age so they get pleasure from a child. What Bastards!!! I hope you are able to pull through it and live your life. I'm sorry. Keep you in my prayers ♥

  • Portsmouth by Portsmouth, England
  • 15 years ago

oh my god hunny. I went through some thing very similar from the age of 6 to 15. I was in foster care and my "foster father" sold me to "men" they had sex with me from the age of 6 to 15. I was tied up and gagged they used to make me do horrible things till I built up the courage to speak up. God be with you little angel please speak out what your mum is doing to you is wrong and for your childs sake if you decide to keep the baby get away from you mum because she sounds like pure evil. You wouldn't want you child to go through that. Please stay safe and let the angels guide you to a safe place.

  • Courtney by Courtney, Canada
  • 15 years ago

Oh my goodness! That poem made me cry so much. Did that really happen? I hope you the best of luck!

  • Susan by Susan
  • 15 years ago

wow! that's very shocking. and a very good poem. I'm not usually into the whole rhyming thing but that was a really good poem. Did you actually get pregnant??? That must really suck! I feel so bad for you and wish you the best of luck in life. Remember that there are guardian angels watching over you and they are here to help. I will pray for you tonight that everything is fine and you are happy and healthy. best of luck! <3

  • sophie by sophie
  • 15 years ago

Reading this brought back that memory which was stored in an abby right at the back of my mind. The screaming of me and my cousin, the feel, it just brought me to tears. Having gone through with all this as well, but having someone to talk about it with ( my cousin who is 1 yr younger) was really supportive she knew exactly how I felt and I know that I having some one there is a good feeling. I will be different from my friends I will not have sex until I am at least 25 because of what has happened to me. REAL MEN DON'T RAPE!

  • Maria by Maria
  • 15 years ago

This poem broke my heart. How utterly terrible to have gone through so much pain at such a young age or any age for that matter.
Why we are put in the hands of certain mothers (maybe should say, women who have no business having children)I will never know.
Women out there, if you choose to live your life a certain way, DON'T have children-tie your tubes and destroy your own life-not an innocent person's.

  • Nikki by Nikki
  • 15 years ago

This is a very very touching poem. I am a survivor of sexual abuse - which lead to living and working the trade. Although he didn't tell me to go out, my father reaped the benefits from me selling myself.
Keep writing, you never know who or when your words will touch and inspire another...

Positive Healing Energy for you

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 15 years ago

I can't believe you went through all this. All I can say is stay strong God is your shelter and protection ,always know that it will be.

  • Anna by Anna
  • 15 years ago

This is a touching poem, it really is. I read it during lunch at school and I had to come back and re-read it and write a comment. I couldn't stop thinking about this poor little girl from lunch time to the moment I got home. I nearly cried with my friends at school, one of them really did. You really and truly are the strongest person I have ever heard of. xx

  • arel by arel
  • 15 years ago

aww omg I just read this and girl... I just want to say.. you are the strongest kid ever.... I'm going to admire you forever... be strong:)

  • joana voice by joana voice
  • 16 years ago

I was molested as a child and this poem touched me and made me cry. I lived through it though sometimes I don't know how and now I'm working on my first novel about overcoming abuse and I run an abuse MySpace called Voice at myspace.com/joanavoice. You are a survivor now and as hard as it is don't let your past hold you back. I know the pain is hard to overcome, but it's your turn to live and make your dreams come true...and they will. I know you are going to make something out of life because you have that never give up spirit.

  • Laurie by Laurie
  • 16 years ago

I am still drying my eyes so please bear with me. I went through a similar childhood only it was my step dad I one day told a friend who then told her parents who told school I thought I did the right thing it was over .But my mom said if you tell the truth they will take you & your brother away because I can't take care of you both myself. So I said nothing it ended years later. I drugged my life through drugs and drinking. While the man who hurt me for so long is living a great life. I thought I deserved the great life but found that no one was going to give it to me .So I took charge of my life .My dear child it is your life make it beautiful do not let those sick men ruin the rest of your life. It will be hard but it will be harder if you let it drag you down .You can make it never give up....

  • Unknown by Unknown
  • 16 years ago

This poem really touched me how could a mother do such a thing too there child FOR MONEY!?!?. I Admire your strength at such a young age. this poem almost brought tears to my eyes I hope you doing well. Best wishes from now and forever

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