Hurting Poem

Poem About Difficulty Breaking Free From A Toxic Relationship

I wrote this for my friend who was having a bad time. It's quite a few years old and I am happy to say that they got it sorted!

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My friends say I'm in an abusive relationship. I'm not quite sure if I believe them or if I think they are just overreacting. People say the same things to me that are in this poem and it...

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Published by Family Friend Poems July 2010 with permission of the Author.

She's a girl and he's a guy
why they're together, I don't know why
she is caring, loving, honest and true
he is mean, nasty, selfish and cruel

she takes the bulk of all the crap
wanting what they had
keep on taking him back

he likes to keep her way down there
to build him up, he doesn't care
she wonders how he can be so mean
she sees the side no one else has seen

he plays games with her state of mind
asks questions - answers
she finds so hard to find

makes her feel worthless and alone
lots of bad habits she thought he'd outgrown

nothing will change till she finally lets go
hard for a girl who can't say no
to this guy who makes her feel so low

she's got spirit, guts, and life
why does she go through all of this strife?

she is a beautiful girl and he's just a guy
every day she wonders why...
she can't let go - only she knows.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Beth Smith by Beth Smith
  • 8 years ago

My friends say I'm in an abusive relationship. I'm not quite sure if I believe them or if I think they are just overreacting. People say the same things to me that are in this poem and it surprises me that everyone sees what is going on.

  • Glennda by Glennda
  • 12 years ago

I have been in many relationships. Recently, I was asked out by one of my close friends. We met in juvi, we ended up telling our story to each other. We became close. Before we both got released, we decided to date. Little did I know, he lied about were he lived and never called or came to visit me. I still wonder till this day, if he remembers me and how he lost my trust and hurt me.

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