Just Friends Poem

Poem About Hiding Feelings Of Love For A Friend

"Loving a friend secretly is one of the hardest thing to deal with." Sacrifices are to be made. This poem is based on my experience during my college days. I kept hidden all of the feelings for four years and sacrificed those for the sake of our friendship.

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I related to this poem. I like it. I had a guy friend since I was in grade 4. As we grew up, he met other girls in his school. Then he's telling me he had a crush on this girl and then that...

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Secretly In Love


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2016 with permission of the Author.

You're asking why I care for you this way.
You're asking how I could smile every day.
Having you around makes my day smooth and easy.
Without you,
It's hard for me to end a day.

If only I could say,
"I've loved you since the day I met you."
I always stare at you from afar.
There's nothing I can do but keep it inside,
Wishing that you would know the deep feelings I have.

You're telling stories about the person you've met.
You said that you're really in love,
And it stopped my heart from beating.
I said, "I'm happy for you," with a smile on my face,
But what I have inside is a heart that keeps on crying.

If only I could say,
"I could be the one that could love you in a special way."
There's nothing I can do but keep it this way,
Wishing that you would know all the secrets I've kept,
Secrets I've kept for our friendship to stay.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Emily Perkins by Emily Perkins
  • 4 years ago

Years ago, I met this boy who stole my heart, and he didn't know until last week when I couldn't take it anymore. I finally I told him how I felt and he sadly didn't feel the same way. We are separated friends who go about our way in our different paths. Though I still ache for him badly and wish he was here, I know I have to move on from his life and create one for myself.

  • Dora Alias by Dora Alias
  • 5 years ago

I surely can relate to this poem as well. I fell for "MP" in 1996, and I'm still going strong without him knowing it. I'm planning to tell him how I feel, but I just don't have the courage. We've been in contact since 1996. I've made it a point to call him once a year to asked how is he doing and updating his whereabouts. We have not met since 1996, and I plan just to keep it this way. I know if it goes further, it will be the same relationship - it will hurt me...I love you, "MP". :)

  • Karla M. by Karla M.
  • 7 years ago

I related to this poem. I like it. I had a guy friend since I was in grade 4. As we grew up, he met other girls in his school. Then he's telling me he had a crush on this girl and then that one and so on. Until he met a girl that really made him fall in love with her. He told me some stories about them sharing his problems. Later on they broke up because the girl had another boy. It's really hard for me to see him broken. Until one time I had this courage to tell him, but when I was about to tell him my feelings, he ignored my messages and didn't even reply on it. Since then I really don't know what happened to our friendship... but until now, I know I still have feelings for him.

  • Yesenia Acosta by Yesenia Acosta
  • 6 years ago

I know how you feel. I almost had the same experience. Until the day he responded. He said that he didn't like me that way and he just wanted to be friends. My day was horrible and then he came to my house and told me that if I still liked him we couldn't be friends. So...now we are not friends.

  • Annie Fern Samar by Annie Fern Samar
  • 8 years ago

This poems relates on how I fell in love to my best friend in secret, so it's...SO HARD!!! Hoping one day that I have the chance to say to him how much I like him and how much I care for him. I want to say this all to him without being scared.

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