Just Friends Poem

I'm Sorry For Loving You Poem

I was in love with my best friend. I thought we had a chance at first, but he then told me, in words no less painful, "I don't want to be with you." It hurt. A lot. And for a long time afterward, I was angry with him. But we're moving forward now, letting go and moving on, and this poem is to remind me that I'm partially responsible for what happened, too.

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I'm close with this guy, and I just realized I've fallen for him, but it turns out that my best friend likes him too. I can't tell her anything. Instead, I support her feelings by encouraging...

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I'm Sorry


Published by Family Friend Poems November 2011 with permission of the Author.

I'm sorry for the things I've done.
I'm sorry for what was said.
I'm sorry for these words I write
While lying here in bed.

The thing I need to tell you is
You mean so much to me,
But it hurts so much to realize
There are things that you don't see.

I wanted you to love me too.
I wanted you to care.
I wanted to belong with you.
I wanted to be a pair.

But you made it fairly clear
That you don't want the same,
And this, I know, is all my fault;
There's no one else to blame.

So here I am apologizing
Saying "sorry" with all my grace,
And I'm sorry to say that I'm too scared
To say this to your face.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Snf by Snf
  • 6 years ago

I'm close with this guy, and I just realized I've fallen for him, but it turns out that my best friend likes him too. I can't tell her anything. Instead, I support her feelings by encouraging her to approach him. Now when he texts me I try to ignore it sometimes.

  • Arun S. Raj by Arun S. Raj, BANGALORE, KARNATAKA, INDIA
  • 8 years ago

Many face such situations. The strong will take it in real spirit, accept it and move forward. There is always a second chance. Who knows who may be destined to have a better option. Congrats for penning sincerely and simple.

  • Britney Devin by Britney Devin, Austen Texas
  • 10 years ago

I fell in love with my best friend but she completely rejected me. It broke my heart. I cried and never talked to her after that. She said it so bluntly, it hurt. This relates to me alot.

  • Kriti by Kriti
  • 11 years ago

I too love my best friend and I thought there is some chance of our being a pair. When I told him about my feelings, he clearly told me to forget him and I was never anything more than a best friend to him. It hurts but we are still very good friends, we are not best friends anymore and only I am responsible for that........

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