Funeral Poem

Me and Eric will get mom through this. Until I see you one day again. R.I.P Daddy. I love you

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My dad passed away just 111 days ago and I can still feel the pain deep inside me, I miss his soul, I miss his voice, I miss his moves, I miss the way he used to get mad, his smile, he would...

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R.I.P Dad


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2007 with permission of the Author.

Nobody wants to see somebody die
Nobody wants to see the man that gave them life,
the man that taught them everything to this day die.
My dad never got a second chance at life
and I never got a second chance at being a better daughter.
I wish I had just a couple more minutes with my dad to tell him how I felt.
He was an amazing man and I never knew how great he truly was until he died.
Daddy, you taught me everything I needed to know.
But Daddy I wish you could stay on this earth to guide me a little ways longer.
I want you to walk me down the aisle as a bride.
Be there for my high school graduation.
See your grandchildren. I need you back Daddy.
I'll learn to live without your strong character, but I'll never forget it.
You'll live on Dad. I have a piece of you in me.
And while I'm still on this earth you are too. 


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Tahseen by Tahseen, Uk
  • 9 years ago

My dad passed away just 111 days ago and I can still feel the pain deep inside me, I miss his soul, I miss his voice, I miss his moves, I miss the way he used to get mad, his smile, he would have been always strong.
I wish I just can see him one more time just to hug him one more hug. Daddy you've always been my hero and you'll always be. I love you so much that I can't face the fact that I won't see you again.

  • Richard by Richard
  • 10 years ago

I have recently passed the age (46) of my dads death through cancer. I was 20 at the time and he was an inspiration to me and despite my sporting skills 3 years earlier he was fitter than me. But 3 years of cancer aged him 30 + years. I went through my 20s as an angry young man and took no shit as well as giving it out a bit. Life has been up and down since but the one thing that has kept me stable is my daughter was born when I was 33. As a dad for the last 13 years I have always wanted to emulate my father as a solid and honorable dad. I love both of them and one has guided me and I did not listen till my beautiful daughter was born. Then it all seemed to make sense life and loss go on but the legacy lives on. Hold on young ones it all comes together in the end. You may have your own one day and you will know how to truly love as a parent because you had it yourself and granddad is now watching her / him and you and he is smiling proudly.

  • Victoria by Victoria, Massachusetts
  • 10 years ago

My father passed away when I was twelve years old from cancer. I sincerely thought my father would make it through even when he was on his death bed as I crawled up next to him just to watch him breathe. I never gave up hope. Which is what shattered my heart when I witnessed him being zipped up in a body bag. I believe that's why I don't put my hopes up anymore because I'm scared of being alone again. I'll be nineteen in June, and that'll be seven birthdays he's missed. I'm also graduating soon and I still can't believe he'll be missing it. I lost the most important man in my life, the first man who I ever loved and who will always love me. I don't feel his presence around me anymore and it sucks because that's what made me feel safe. A part of me is miserable that he is gone, but the other is angry that he left me. However, I know it's not his fault. I keep wondering if this is all a sign to let go but I don't want to, not yet. Until we meet again.. Love always, your little girl

  • Chelsea by Chelsea, Maidstone
  • 11 years ago

My dad passed away the day before my 17th birthday in november 2012, Words cant describe the memories that come flooding back when I read everybody else's stories. I also have the same feelings about my future, he won't be there to walk me down the aisle, he won't be there to give my boyfriend a grilling about how I should be treated and finally won't be able to see me have my own children and see them grow up. I will always be a daddys girl at heart, whether he is here with me or not. I will never forget him, he was so unique, a very special man as many have described him and I believe that every girl that looses their dad will be deeply effected by it for the rest of their lives. The one person a girl needs is her dad to wipe the tears off her face when somethings gone wrong, to carry them to bed when they've fallen asleep and to cuddle whenever they need them. A girl first love will always be her daddy. And he will always be mine.
R.I.P Tony Morris 18/07/1966-29/11/2012 xxxxx

  • Nour by Nour
  • 11 years ago

My dad passed away just 25 days ago and I can still feel the pain deep inside me, I miss his soul, I miss his voice, I miss his moves, I miss the way he used to get mad, his smile, he would have been always strong..
I wish I just can see him one more time just to hug him one more hug. Daddy you've always been my hero and you'll always be. I love you so much that I can't face the fact that I won't see you again.

  • Erin by Erin, New Jersey
  • 11 years ago

My dad past away almost 4 years ago. Worst thing ever is finding your father dead one night. It's been very hard rebuilding myself after losing him and making mistakes, going a little crazy. He was my rock, my hero, my shoulder to cry on. It hurts missing his smile, laugh, tight grip when he held my hand. He made me feel like he would always be there. It wasn't always perfect but the hard times made me stronger. I'm glad to say now I can hold myself together and found happiness again things got really bad but I am stronger and wiser then ever. Just know things do get better you really do need to keep looking up(:

  • Ragena Hugo by Ragena Hugo
  • 11 years ago

I had went to youth group as always. It had started only twenty minutes earlier when one of the directors came and got me. She told me that my mother was their to pick me up. Was I in trouble? I hadn't done anything that I was aware of. As I got in the car my mom and sister turned around. My mother sighed. When I saw the look in her eye...I knew. The first thing I thought about was my father. I was unable to react until the words came out of her mouth. She then said "Your father passed away early this morning."
I burst into tears. As I was sobbing I accused her of lying. "I just saw him a few days ago, he can't be dead!"
I had, had nightmares of this before. But only now was it real. It came true. I was living my worst fear. My father was my everything.
They had gotten divorced when I was 8. My mother started beating me afterwards, telling me how worthless I was. How I didn't deserve to live, and believe me I wanted to be dead. My father was my only escape. He passed October 31, 2013. At 14 years he left me here all alone.

  • Chloe Eagle by Chloe Eagle
  • 11 years ago

My dad passed away just after my tenth birthday. I hate the fact that he won't be there to see me grow up and be there for me and help me when I need him or just for a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk to. He missed my year 7 and 10 graduation and next year he won't be there for my year 12 graduation either. He will never get to meet his grandkids or watch them as they grow and teach them like he taught me. He will never be able to walk me down the aisle. Trying to live your life without your dad is harder then people think. Cherish your parents, cause you never know how long you will have them around.
R.I.P Wayne Fredrick Eagle, Gone but not forgotten <3

  • Jocelyne A by Jocelyne A
  • 11 years ago

I'm only 15 my father died on June 30, 2012. Today is July 7, 2013 and its his birthday. I feel I have already let him down but I keep trying my best to show him I'm going to make him proud. I lived with him for about 3 years and when he passed away I had to move back to my moms. I miss him and I just want him to see me graduate and walk me down the aisle. Now, my dad won't be able to meet his grandchild from his little girl. may he rest in peace.

  • Karen Ann by Karen Ann, Amityville
  • 11 years ago

My story is my father passed away 2 months it hurts not seeing him at the house or not seeing him anywhere like dancing or special Olympics events that's why I miss him so much.

  • Chantelle by Chantelle, California
  • 12 years ago

My dad had passed on a day after my 16th birthday. I have the same feelings regarding my future about my father not being here the day I graduate, get married and have children. I still miss my dad very much and cry when I know every soul in my house is asleep but it eases the pain to know that he is with his son, my brother. I know I will miss the way my dad hugged my and kissed my on the forehead and said "happy birthday, baby" because just thinking about it makes me miss it. I am still daddy's girl. I miss and love you dad, rest easy in paradise.

  • Cass by Cass, MI
  • 13 years ago

This was really touching to me in June it will be a year since my dad passed away. Me and him were so close. He died when I was 13 after he passed I got caught up in a bad group and made bad mistakes. I think I just wanted my mom to notice how I was feeling. I was crying myself to sleep talking about doing bad things to myself but now I know it's hard but I got to keep going in life. He is always in my heart I was a daddy's little girl I miss him till this day and still cry like a little baby locked in my room where no one will worry if I'm okay. I wish he was still here to tickle me and kiss me goodnight.

  • Sammy by Sammy, California
  • 13 years ago

I'm 16 and my dad passed away 2 1/2 months ago. I have the same feelings towards the future. My dad won't attend my high school graduation or walk me down the aisle. Two of the biggest moments in my life and my dad won't be there for them! I wish my dad could be there for the father daughter dance or to interrogate my future boyfriends but none of that will happen. My father is gone forever and I'll never feel his strong embrace or see his big teethy grin or hear his stupid jokes or even taste his cooking again!
I miss my daddy!
Jon King Blaco. April 16,1958- May 1, 2011.
Rest in peace daddy!

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