Feelings Poem by Teens

Poem About Almost Losing Everything

I wrote this poem before I was put on anti-depressants. I didn't know how to deal with my anxiety or depression, so I wrote poems and songs. When I wrote this poem, I had lots of self-hate and the feeling of worthlessness.

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I feel like this is the definition of my life. I feel like I have no escape. Like how I'm trapped in this bottle filled with water and I can't seem to get up, but I'm trying to heal, and I...

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Restless Nights


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2014 with permission of the Author.

I'm breaking;
I can't be fixed.
I'm missing,
But I won't be missed.

Still shaking
From what I fear.
I can't let you in,
So don't come near.

I guess you're right;
I'm way too thin,
And I'm fighting a battle
That I'll never win.

I have so many flaws;
I don't know where to start
From my messed up hair
To my messed up heart.

So what's the point
To continue to fight?
When my restless days
Turn into restless nights.

This life hasn't been fair.
I can finally tell
That nobody cares,
And it hurts like hell.

I still don't understand
What was God's cause?
Why did He put me on earth
With all of my flaws?

Was I born just to die?
Am I part of a plan?
Made to finally see
That I won't die an old man.

I don't know how to live.
I have nothing to gain,
And all I want from you
Is to end all my pain.

I'm losing sight
Of what I've already seen.
I'm losing my grip,
And I'm barely seventeen.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Kgahelo K Maitse by Kgahelo K Maitse, Sasolburg.Vaalpark
  • 3 years ago

I feel like this is the definition of my life. I feel like I have no escape. Like how I'm trapped in this bottle filled with water and I can't seem to get up, but I'm trying to heal, and I honestly feel like you should try to heal too. You're good enough and there's no such thing as perfection. Flaws make a person unique and different instead of falling into the expectations of society and the world. Just like you, I'm unsure why I'm here or the point of my life, but I do believe that in the end - no matter how long it takes, I will know and you will too.

  • Emerson Thoreau by Emerson Thoreau
  • 7 years ago

You write from a place of recognizing that all has gone wrong, but this is only so everything can go right again. I have been through this place, and it is a very common, valid, and HUMAN experience.

Look at your honesty. There is nothing more valuable in this world, and it will get you through anything. 'Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth.' You probably don't even think you are meek. God bless you. There are people in this world who are as honest and open as you are. They are the ones who shine. Something that got me through the toughest times of my life, and which remains vital to my daily survival today, is SPIRITUALITY. I am with you.

Thank you. This made my heart smile when I read it, and my heart goes out to you. Spirituality is an important part of my life as well.

  • Laura Wyman by Laura Wyman
  • 7 years ago

Brings tears to my eyes, young man, because not only do I feel your pain, you expressed how my 20 year old son must be feeling. Today I witnessed for the first time an altered reality state, and I felt so helpless. He just confided in me about hearing voices for quite some time and self medicating in hopes they'll go away, I've been doing research all day to get educated on the "to dos" and "not to dos." He also feels he's all alone and no one understands. I'm bringing him to ER when he wakes up. He literally wore himself to sleep. I've been reading with medication most can lead a productive life. Are you on meds and living a productive life? Can you think of one thing that is the most important to the MI that a lot of people don't get and maybe one thing someone has said or done to/for you that you found to be most helpful? Thank you. Just know you're not alone, young man, and I will say a prayer in hopes the suffering suffers less and the voices quiet down. Best, and well wishes.

  • Wordstoknow13 by Wordstoknow13
  • 8 years ago

The words were like this window to how you felt. You are not shaped by your sadness--but your ability to find more from life than that. Thank you.

  • Alexis J. Oakley by Alexis J. Oakley, Buffalo NY
  • 9 years ago

Beautiful. Stunning. Intelligent. Different. Kind.
Just from reading your poem, I can tell you are all of those things and more. I don't need to see your face or hear your voice or touch your scars to know that. Just keep trying and know that you are human. No one is asking you to be perfect, but yourself.

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