Pet Friend Poem

Poem About Loss Of A Pet Cat

My little baby "Patches" was a white, longhair, big, fluffy, furball cat. On June 20, 2009, the Lord took him home to be with him until He calls upon me to come home. Patches had been with me for 15 years and was my little boy. God had sent him to me on a cold winter morning in 1994 to be part of my life, to love me and be loved by me.

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Oh. My. God. This made my heart shatter. It reminded me of my dog Henry. He was my forever pet and we lost him the week before Christmas because of cancer! I miss you, Henry! He was my pet,...

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Rainbow Bridge


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2009 with permission of the Author.

I look to the day when the Lord calls upon thee,
My time had come for my one final journey.
To begin searching, looking for my little boy,
With love and compassion and such a great joy.

My heart is racing with thoughts of what is to come,
No more pain, no more sorrow and nothing to run from.
With anticipation, no words could seem to compare,
Was longing for love everlasting, an answer to prayer.

I looked to the meadows with tears in my eyes,
The memories were flowing with such a surprise.
Knowing soon I'd be united with my furry friend,
Being so happy knowing this time they'd never end.

I call out his name with the hopes he will hear me,
With a voice of an Angel, the wind whispering a plea.
Excitement in the thought of never again being alone,
Together with my little Patches on our way home.

On this Day at Rainbow Bridge, I again was alive
The time was at hand for my dreams to arrive.
With the fruits of the spirit, God's gift from above,
Then I saw Jesus with my little baby, so full of love.

I looked upon the Lord as I embraced my Little One,
He smiled and said to me, "It is my will to be done."
The journey has ended, a love that will last forever,
And then side-by-side we crossed over together.

                This poem is dedicate to my "Patches"
                Written by myself on June 23, 2009


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  • Beau by Beau, Omaha
  • 10 years ago

Oh. My. God. This made my heart shatter. It reminded me of my dog Henry. He was my forever pet and we lost him the week before Christmas because of cancer! I miss you, Henry! He was my pet, and I will love him until it's my turn to go to the Rainbow Bridge!

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