Baby Death Poem

I wrote this for my daughter's 25th birthday. She only lived for 3 hours and 45 minutes. I never got to meet her. She died of Anencephaly.

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Oh sorry you all for the losses of your beautiful angels. Well I lost my only baby after birth he lived for only 2 hours never got to hold you baby I am so sorry miss you everyday baby how I...

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Happy Birthday


Published by Family Friend Poems January 2012 with permission of the Author.

Even though it's been 25 years,
I can't seem to hold back the tears.
Your birthday comes every year in July,
but it's also the day you died.
The day that was suppose to the best
was the day I found out I would have to lay you to rest.
I can truly say I loved you before I met you.
I never got a chance to see you, hold you, or even hear you coo.
Right after I delivered you, the doctors rushed in.
I knew right then something was wrong,
I just never knew they would tell me your life would end,
So I just wanted to take the time
and say you're on my mind every day,
especially on your birthday.
Even though I've never seen your face,
Happy Birthday, baby! I love you, and I know you're in a better place.
I will see you someday,
but I just wanted to take the time and say Happy Birthday.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Tracy Norah by Tracy Norah
  • 10 years ago

Oh sorry you all for the losses of your beautiful angels. Well I lost my only baby after birth he lived for only 2 hours never got to hold you baby I am so sorry miss you everyday baby how I wish you could come back to me my angel. I miss you, miss Jibril died 16 Jan 2014

  • Cathy by Cathy, Australia
  • 11 years ago

My daughter had hydrocephaly and died full term on the day she should have been born, July 12, 1973. I still cry for that angel child who I never got to hold, she will be eternally beautiful and is always missed. Someone told me she is my guardian angel, I hope so, her birthday always has unexpected meanings and never lets me forget, but I would never and could never forget anyway. I just wish I had told her how much I loved her and that I was so sorry she had to leave before she even had a start...

  • Nonala by Nonala, South Africa
  • 11 years ago

Hey I like your poem its really touching. I had same story I lost my angel too, she lived only about 30 minutes and died. I'm still in tears it's been three months now but the pain is too much . Rest in peace angel mum luvs you always.

  • Paulette Braziel by Paulette Braziel, Texas
  • 12 years ago

I had twin boys that was born 10 days apart. Xavier on 9-2-08 he lived 24 hrs and died and Xion on 9-13-08 he lived 24 hrs and died as well. They were 6 months when I had them. I had Xion memorial service at the hospital, because I was on bed rest and still pregnant with his brother Xavier. My world came to and end when Xion was born and died as well. So every year I release balloons with their names and messages on them.

  • Salma by Salma, Indonesia
  • 12 years ago

Hi, we love your poem because our baby just died on July 29th 2012 same problem with your baby. She lived only one hour but we already knew that something wrong with her but we decided to keep her until she was born.
Thank you for the beautiful poem, it help us to heal :)

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