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Poem On Leaving Abusive Step-Father

I wrote this poem to express how I feel. Writing this was a way to share with others what is going on. It also helped me to realize something serious is wrong in my life and I need to fix it. My mum died when I was six. I have been living with my step-father ever since. Now I just can't do it anymore. He drinks and yells at me every night. I'm sick of the way I'm being treated, I'm tired of being hurt by him. I want to find a better life.

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I get it. It's the same for me except it's my mom that hates me. I'm afraid of her, and you literally just described what goes on in my house with her.

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The Way It Is


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2013 with permission of the Author.

I can feel my heart beating beneath my chest.
Why do you scream at me? All I do is my best.
My life is a nightmare, only I am awake.
Why was it my fault? Where was my mistake?

Sometimes it's OK, sometimes you're all right.
Sometimes you don't get angry and we won't fight.
But when something goes wrong, you never can help.
You'll always hurt me again, and you will make me yelp.

I give you love, but you don't care.
Why do I have to live like this? It just isn't fair.
Why is it you bring these tears?
Why is it I have to live in fear?

I just don't know how to heal these scars.
It's like I'm a prisoner and can't break through your bars.
Why do you have a hold over me? I feel like I can't leave.
One day I will grow strong; one day I will believe.

Then you just wait,
I will be the one to send all the hate.
I will be the one to yell,
Then I will tell you to go to hell.

I wish I could do this.
My life could have such bliss.
Right now I have to stay here, the tears I will hide.
I feel like I'm slowly starting to die inside.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Sarah A. Brown by Sarah A. Brown, Huntsville
  • 5 years ago

I get it. It's the same for me except it's my mom that hates me. I'm afraid of her, and you literally just described what goes on in my house with her.

  • Aia Amir by Aia Amir, Dubai/UAE
  • 9 years ago

This perfectly describes my relationship with my mom, over the past 3 years. I never understand how it is my fault, I give her all my love, but she doesn't see it or just doesn't care. I don't know what else I can do. Being a teenager (15 y.o.) I need to rely on someone and in most cases it's your mom, I wish I could really talk to her for once, just have a heart to heart. Because it's really hard living like this 24/7. Thank you for this amazing poem, got me right in the feels.

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