Change Poem

Poem About Putting The Pieces Back Together

This poem was written in the mist of me battling a heroin addiction. This was written in June 2003, right as I was trying to get off of heroin. As of August 2005, I have been CLEAN. Thank the LORD!

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My daughter is a heroin addict. FOUR rehabs. In jail so many times, I can't even count. She lost custody of both kids. There hasn't been a day for 7 years that I have not lifted her up to...

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My Life With Heroin

© more by Erin

Published by Family Friend Poems June 2008 with permission of the Author.

Thinking back on my life, when I was a little child,
So outrageous and bubbly doing things that were wild.
Thinking back on my life, all those wonderful years,
Not a care in the world, no worries, no fears.
Thinking back on my life, all the advice I was told:
What a wonderful child my parents hoped they would mold.
But as we all know, it's not always what we dreamed;
Life gets harder, and to us it's not always how it seemed.
There are two roads in life: the right one and wrong one;
The wrong one I chose, and it seemed life was done.
But as time went on, I had to agree,
I can do and be anything I want to achieve.
I have tried over and over and failed to succeed;
But I am a SOLDIER, that's what I believe.
My LIFE is too precious to let it slip away;
I must try harder and harder each coming day.
One day soon I'll be all that I am;
How do I know, you ask?


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Jennifer L Taylor by Jennifer L Taylor, Obion TN
  • 7 years ago

My daughter is a heroin addict. FOUR rehabs. In jail so many times, I can't even count. She lost custody of both kids. There hasn't been a day for 7 years that I have not lifted her up to God. Sober now she says for 7 months. I pray that she remains sober. But when I read this poem, she came to mind. It touched my heart, and I'll say a prayer for you. Sobriety is one of life's hardest lessons learned. But being clean and respecting yourself is a better feeling than any drug can offer.

  • Ciara Aschan by Ciara Aschan, Des Moines
  • 10 years ago

I started smoking marijuana and drinking when I was 13. I was sent to placement when I was about 15 and stayed for a year and 2 months. I continued to run away from my problems. I blamed other people for my addictions. Life now sober, does suck at times but I learn to find something else to keep me busy instead of a pipe. Change is there and able to reach, you just have to try. If you never try then you'll never reach what you want to reach. I admire this quote "Be the change you wish to see in the world" - Gandhi. Don't give up because it gets you nowhere. Take a second chance as a new life. I really enjoy this poem. It's very insightful <3

  • Mary Volpe by Mary Volpe, Long Beach California
  • 10 years ago

I read your poem great job. I used speed for 23 years by needle only and I lost 3 babies due to my using and went in and out of drug programs. People can change and I am one. I am 48, clean for 10 years my children are in my life, I have a job and even married life is great. When we don't have to depend on the drug anymore so just don't ever give up.

  • Melissa by Melissa, Orange County
  • 11 years ago

This is beautiful! Congratulations!!!! I'm so happy for you. This gives me hope that change and quitting is possible.

  • Iskamabad by Iskamabad
  • 11 years ago

When I was in the Navy, I drank like a sailor. When I got out of the Navy, I drank like a sailor. You could say I went overboard. Swam with sharks and chased mermaids. Spent all my clams in the octopus's garden. The deeps and the darks suited me fine. Closing time came; I looked around. I was all alone in Davy Jones's lockup. Looked for a way out, but there was no ship in the bottle. Just more bottles, and every one an ocean. Took a long time before I settled on the bottom. But look! A boat on the horizon. A life raft with my wife and daughter in it. "You're here," they cheered. "Take us ashore!" "I'm just a drunken sailor," I said. My wife reeled me in. "No, you're the captain." I looked to the stars and plotted our course for home.

THE JUDGES SAID: Jim Ruland's story sails along on clever metaphors, but on a deeper level, it's a moving look at one man's desolation and the renewal he found in his family's faith and love. It's a tale you'll want to read twice - and share.

Watch video of Jim Ruland reading his story.

  • Melissa by Melissa, Dallas
  • 12 years ago

Omg I can totally relate to this. I myself is battling with the demons of being a heroin addict. I just got out of rehab a month ago and I've relapsed the 2nd week of being out. I am scared of going back to that life but thank GOD I found a sponsor and working my steps and most important am taking it day by day and not worrying about tomorrow!!! Your poem gave me faith and hope that I lost for a moment!!

  • Linda by Linda, Dumbarton UK
  • 12 years ago

I read your poem and I pray to God for you and other addicts out there. My son struggled with Heroin addiction and no more than yourself he went down the wrong road. Sadly Heroin took his life he was clean for 7 months 2 weeks and one night had a relapse and God took him into his hands, it's the saddest day of my life. 19 months have past and what I would do for my son to walk in my door he was only 27, 30 days and he would have been 28 ,this November my son would be 30. I miss him so much my heart is broken and my life will never be the same again. So, if any of you think of taking that awful drug think of the heartache it leaves behind .God Bless you all and my dearest son who I love so much always and forever.

  • Patty by Patty
  • 7 years ago

This is what I fear the most. My daughter is struggling with her addiction. She tells me she's clean, but in my heart I know she's not. She left a spoon in my niece's bathroom on Christmas Eve. My niece has babies, and it could've ended horribly. When I confronted my daughter, she gave me a lame excuse that it was an old one that she left in her pocket. I'm so sorry for your pain. Bless you.

  • Timothy O. by Timothy O.
  • 12 years ago

I love this poem. In fact I'm facing a similar problem with addiction and need serious help. Thank you for this poem as I have now sincerely resolved to do the needful to help my situation. As I write this I even wonder where it all began. And now pray it ends well. Every new year, my resolution is to put a stop to smoking. But with very close friends still in the act, I always go back with reckless abandonment. I too want to be clean and free from whatever spirit that is behind this vice. God help me as I battle with mine.

  • Stephen Joseph Culkin by Stephen Joseph Culkin
  • 16 years ago

Thank you! I myself am fighting lady heroin...your poem reminds me that even though I have slipped , I can make it ... I am turning 28 on Sept. 7th and I want to be around for many years to come...I have a beautiful 14 month old daughter, and she is my life , but because of heroin I now have a child endangerment charge I am facing...I got busted with 3 slips, 31 methadone, and 14 xanax...all while I had my baby in the car with me...thank god D.S.S. is not involved...but regardless, I f***ed up! I just hope and pray I can stay clean...have been for 22 days withdrawals because I had weaned myself down before the bust , I wanted to be clean before I got caught, but the bust reiterated the need. Anyways thank you for your words of inspiration!

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