Grandmother Death Poem

Poem About Death Of Grandmother

My Grandmother passed away November 2, 30 minutes before I reached the hospital for her final breath. My Grandma meant the world to me. This is dedicated to Flossie Alice McMillan
3/04/1906-11/02/2008 From your Granddaughter, Jody Mark

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My grandma passed away on the 16th of January, a day before my Cambridge IGCSE results came out. I was pained because I wanted her to see my results because I really worked hard for them....

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Feelings About Grandma

© more by Jody Mark

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2007 with permission of the Author.

It's only been a few minutes but seems like an eternity to me. 
I miss my Grandma Flossie already, and I wish she had stayed here with me.

It's only been a few hours, but a million tears I have shed. 
I long to hear her voice say my name and hold my hand as she always had.

It's only been a few days, but my heart aches so bad. 
I know she would say, "Please don't be so sad."

It's only been a few weeks, but I still sit and wonder
if she knew I was there and how much I really cared.

It's only been a few months, but I still wonder why? 
Why Grandma didn't you wait for me to say I love you and goodbye?

It's only been a few years, but I still smile and sometimes cry
when I think about the 36 years Grandma McMillan and I shared.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Trish Chido Katayi by Trish Chido Katayi
  • 7 years ago

My grandma passed away on the 16th of January, a day before my Cambridge IGCSE results came out. I was pained because I wanted her to see my results because I really worked hard for them. Unfortunately the night before they came out at 21:21 God decided to take his beautiful flower because it was now ripe. She died of cardiovascular failure and stroke. I miss her a lot and wish she was here. I remember during her last days she held my hand and drew me closer to seems as if she wanted to tell me about the fate ahead of us but unfortunately I couldn't understand it. I remember during my exams she said I would pass and I passed, but only one thing that broke my heart is she never got to see them. Though you aren't here, I wish you a happy Mother's Day grandma. I know you are all right where you are. May the winds of heaven blow where you lie. You're greatly missed and you always will. Thank you for your love and giving birth to our beautiful mothers and mentoring us. Rest in Peace, Grandma.

  • Angel Bennett by Angel Bennett, Myrtle Beach SC
  • 10 years ago

My grandmother passed away November 22, 1996 so this poem touched me. I know it's been 18 years but I still miss her dearly.

  • Rachel Shomwele by Rachel Shomwele, Namibia
  • 10 years ago

My Grandma Maria passed away yesterday on the 5th May 2014 at the age of 57. She was so sweet and meant the whole world to me, she helped with the payment of my school and raised me from day one. I love her very much and miss her already. I can't stop crying and I still don't know what to do. Grandma rest in peace we shall meet again. I love you grandma. Tears

  • Dominic by Dominic, Sonoma Area
  • 11 years ago

Hi today 2-8-2014, As I sit here with you waiting for you to take your last breath. I cry thinking of all the great times we spent together. You have been there for me in all the ways a grandma could be there for a grandson. I whispered in your ear thanking you for adopting my mom and giving her a beautiful life. Grandma you are so special to me and I'm going to miss you so much. I want you to keep fighting but I no it's time to go see your mom and dad in heaven, be free and know I love you grandma with all of my heart. God bless you.

  • Timmins Ontario by Timmins Ontario
  • 11 years ago

I'm 14 years old and my meme passed away on Friday November 8 at 6:55 AM since then I just lie in my bed and look at her picture and listen to I will come to you and cry I miss her so much I love you meme ;(

  • Robert Enid by Robert Enid
  • 12 years ago

My grandmother passed away on July 28th, 2012 on my couch. It was just 11 days after her birthday. I went to bed the night before not knowing that the next morning would be the hardest day of my life to find her dead on my couch. This poem hit me hard. I love and miss you grandma.

  • Monica by Monica, Burbank
  • 12 years ago

What a WONDERFUL poem, this poem has truely touched me, GOD bless you. My Grandmother passed away on Thursday night 6/28/12. I really miss her; she helped to take care of me when I was born 43 years ago and for the past 18 years I've had the privilege to help my mom take care of her; even up until her final breath, I was there. She was a wonderful lady with great wisdom. She was 99 years of age. I know she is in Heaven Shouting and Praising GOD!!! No more pain and no more suffering.

  • Amber by Amber, Colorado
  • 13 years ago

My Grandma passed away today :*( I'm not one of those people who can express the way my heart has broken. Thank you for your poem.

  • Lily by Lily, California
  • 13 years ago

My Grandma means the world to me. I got the phone call on Friday (9-30-11) that she has taken the turn for the worst and is in ICU in a different state than me. The doctors says anytime now. Just wanted to say how much your poem touched me.

  • Kathleen by Kathleen
  • 13 years ago

My grandmother passed the day after Easter, which was also my mothers 50th birthday. She was ill but getting better & I saw her a week before she had passed and she was happy and in good health, it seemed. the very last thing I said to her was I love you grandma, she said it back. Every year when I was little I used to help her make potato salad for Easter, and for the past few years I've been making it for my family since we moved away. I never made it right until this year it tasted just like hers, I just never got to tell her. Your poem is wonderful and really touched my heart. Thank you.

  • Pallavi by Pallavi, India
  • 14 years ago

I lost my grandma on 7th Jan.. it came as a shock as I was planning to meet her on Feb. This poem has really touched me and helped me speak what I wanted to say.

  • Courtney by Courtney, NY
  • 14 years ago

I just lost my grandmother two days before thanksgiving and I'm having a very rough time she was only 65, I'm very touched by this poem.

  • Crystal by Crystal, NJ
  • 14 years ago

My Grandmother passed away 3 and a half years ago. The night she died I called and spoke to my Grandfather because my Grandma was sleeping. I told him I was just calling to say hi and jokingly said just wanted to make sure you were both alive. 3 hours later my Grandfather called me and told me My Grandma had just passed away. I'm a writer... and your poem hit so close to home. Today would have been her 60th birthday. I can't stop crying even as I write this. I just wanted you to know that the poem is beautiful and I'm sure your Grandmother would have loved it.

  • Denise by Denise, CA
  • 14 years ago

I didn't know how much I loved my grandma, until 2/17/2010, the day she passed. we shared 28 years hurts more than I thought it would. I'm thankful that I got to say goodbye and I LOVE U...also thanked her for all that she did. I will never forget her...always in my heart =(

  • Poonam by Poonam
  • 15 years ago

Hello, my Grandma passed away last night...I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother I was touched by your poem and I now know the feeling when you lose someone VERY dear to you....

  • gabi by gabi
  • 15 years ago

um my grandma just recently passes and she meant the world to me...
if I would have been there an hour before and not at school I might have got to say good bye!!!
Your poem was cool it really touched me!!

  • Montey Nickens by Montey Nickens
  • 15 years ago

This poem has touch me so deeply. I just lost my Grandmother yesterday Friday. I miss her so much already. I love this poem. I wrote a similar one to share at her Funeral. Thanks for the inspiration.

  • Kayla by Kayla
  • 16 years ago

My grandma passed away November 2 also... although she passed in 2001. But my grandma too meant the world to me... I feel for your pain. :( Sorry.

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