Death Moving On Poem

Poem On Pain Of Loss Doesn’t Last

I wrote this poem after listening to a song about losing someone you love. Whether it's losing family or friends through death or through drifting apart, it feels horrible to lose someone you love. So I hope this poem can help someone see that the pain doesn't last.

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Wow, this is an absolutely beautiful poem! Although I haven't experienced loss on this level personally, it still touched me deeply. There is hope and love after loss, even if it takes a...

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Pain Told Love

Ebony Black © more by Ebony Black

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2020 with permission of the Author.

Pain told love I'm not here to stay.
Once I've taught all I can, I'll be on my way.
It might be tomorrow or next month or year.
Each lesson is learned with every new tear.

Pain told love she needs to grieve.
Once I've done all I can, I'll take my leave.
These tears that she sheds won't be here for long.
She'd hoped he would live, but I guess she was wrong.

Pain told love she feels empty inside.
It's not something she can easily hide.
A short time ago all she did was smile,
But now that he's gone, she won't for a while.

Pain told love she'll be okay soon.
The sadness she feels lessens with each new moon.
She looks past his death to the memories they made,
And with each new day, her despair starts to fade.

Pain told love my job here is done.
Her shadows fall behind as she faces the sun.
The girl steps forward and starts to smile.
She hasn't felt this way for a good long while.

Love told pain you're no longer needed.
I'll take over from here as your lesson was heeded.
The feelings you gave her, they tore her apart,
But it's time for me to piece back together her heart.


more by Ebony Black

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Charlene Carlies by Charlene Carlies
  • 2 years ago

Wow, this is an absolutely beautiful poem! Although I haven't experienced loss on this level personally, it still touched me deeply. There is hope and love after loss, even if it takes a while to heal. You will find joy again! You will find happiness again! Thank you for sharing!

  • Helen by Helen
  • 2 years ago

I don't feel ready to share my own story, but I wanted very much to say this poem is one of the most touching and sensetive I have ever read. It was a personally shared experience reading it and made me feel honoured to find it. It reached me in a special, soulful way. Thank you for sharing your poem.

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