Broken Friendship Poem

My best friend of 3 years decided it would be a good idea to completely ignore me for no apparent reason. Well, she said, "You know too much about me. And you broke my heart."

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This poem made me cry because it made remember of my friend with whom I was friend for 7 years, but suddenly she started ignoring me. She told me that I was useless, heartless, I have no...

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One Minute We Were Fine


Published by Family Friend Poems March 2011 with permission of the Author.

One minute we were laughing and fine
I was your best friend and you were mine
I loved the way when I was with you my whole world shined
I just didn't know our moments together were being timed

The next minute you act like you don't know me at all
I saw you trying to fade away, trying to not be tall
Your eyes so firmly focused on the ground
I tried to talk to you, but you didn't make a sound

I knew our friendship had some issues
I just didn't think my bin would be filled with all these tissues
It has been the longest 5 days in history
All I have been thinking about is this mystery

What did I do wrong this time?
Was this the punishment for my crime?
I'm sorry I am who I am
I tried to change for you, but I don't think I can

I gave up all my other friends for you
Now I found out they're on your side, too
So I sit here alone watching you laugh
While being asked what happened between us by our class

Those nights we spent on the phone till midnight
They were just small memories, but I need to forget them now we're in a fight
I know your secrets, I have kept them all these years
I know all of your deepest, darkest fears
I guess you don't know mine
My biggest fear is losing you
Guess what? I'm scared


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Ishika Roy by Ishika Roy
  • 3 years ago

This poem made me cry because it made remember of my friend with whom I was friend for 7 years, but suddenly she started ignoring me. She told me that I was useless, heartless, I have no feelings or care about anyone other than me. She told me that I am of no worth to live a life and I should have died. It really tore me apart. It's been two years of betrayal, but now I also cry in the night just by remembering those times we spent together.

  • Jacquelyn Dillon by Jacquelyn Dillon
  • 9 years ago

Something similar happened to me it hurt so much. I almost cried reading this poem, keep on going.

  • Sadie by Sadie, Hoxie Arkansas
  • 11 years ago

This was a great poem it reminds me of me and my friend! I loved her but then she got with another guy and all that changed.

  • Coh by Coh
  • 13 years ago

This story has touched me because I was very close to someone about a year ago and they changed.

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