Poem about Life Struggles

Poem About Facing Life's Challenges Courageously

Adversity is part of our lives. There is no one who has never faced a hardship in life. This poem attempts to show the lessons adversity has to offer.

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On Adversity

© more by Joydip Dutt

Published by Family Friend Poems September 2021 with permission of the Author.

Adversity brings out the best in you
It often helps to find something new -

A hidden talent or clears a doubt
Or you understand what life's about

Adversity nourishes you to become strong
It helps to reach where you truly belong

Adversity makes you tough and wise
It shows where your strength lies

Adversity is nothing but a stepping stone
To a path that seems rugged and unknown

But if you let courage be your guide,
And can take things on your stride,

Don't get dejected and continue to fight.
In the end, you'll see hope and light.



Joydip Dutt was born and brought up in Kolkata, India. After completing a degree in English, she started working as a content writer and currently works as a freelance writer. Even though she has loved poetry since childhood, she didn’t start writing it until 2015. Joydip Dutt is one of the pen names she uses – this particular name was borrowed...

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  • Overflowing by Overflowing
  • 2 years ago

That was very touching as a human who faces challenges almost every hour. This keeps me fighting!

Thank you for commenting on my poem. Stay blessed.

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