Abuse Poem by Teens

Poem By 13 Year Old Girl Raped By Mom's Boyfriend

Hi, I'm Michelle (it's not my real name; I don't feel safe using it). I am 13 and my mom has a boyfriend, my future step-dad. Everything was great and then he started hurting me sexually a year ago. I don't know why I posted this, I guess so I wouldn't feel so alone. Anyway.........

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My father raped me when I was 6. I still remember when he said, "Don't worry baby, every family does this; it's normal!" But one day at school in 6th grade we were called into the auditorium...

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Not Yet


Published by Family Friend Poems June 2014 with permission of the Author.

He comes into my bedroom in the middle of the night
    I close my eyes while my heart beats in fright
     I feel his hand come tightly over my mouth
     I want to scream but I cannot shout
     He yanks off my clothes as if they're paper
   And when he begins I think to myself it's time to meet your maker
   It seems like eternity even though it was a mere hour
  I race to the bathroom and try to wash away the pain in the shower

  The next morning he packs up his bag to catch his train
   But before he leaves he comes back into my bedroom and does it again
       I sit there feeling alone and ashamed
      Knowing there's no one else to blame
       I know he will be back in a week
   And to him he must feel like he is on a winning streak

   My mom doesn't notice what he has done she doesn't even fret
   And when she asks if it's okay if she marries him I beg her, Not Yet.

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Alreeka Davis by Alreeka Davis
  • 4 years ago

I held the pillow for dear life as he positioned himself at my entrance.
He forced my face further into the pillow as I screamed, but no one came to help me.
I kept yelling, "Please stop," but my cries went unheard and my tears went unseen.
He touched me where no one has ever. He took the innocence of a 13-years-old child.

  • Rebekkah Aeryn by Rebekkah Aeryn
  • 5 years ago

My father raped me when I was 6. I still remember when he said, "Don't worry baby, every family does this; it's normal!" But one day at school in 6th grade we were called into the auditorium and a therapist told us what is okay to be touched and what isn't. I was 11 years old at the time. I didn't know that what he was doing was wrong. I couldn't stop shaking. I remember myself walking home, crying. When I got home, I told my mom everything, when it started, what he did, what he said, everything. My mom had him arrested and we had many court hearings. My whole life revolved around that for 6 months until the last trial. He was sentenced to life in prison, and I had a therapist. It's been a year, and my therapist has really helped me over the years, but I still struggle. I still blame myself for what happened. I still have a lot of recovering to do. But if it wasn't for my mom and therapist, I wouldn't be where I am now. Thank you, Mom. Thank you, Mrs. Reene.

  • Symon by Symon
  • 2 years ago

It will never be your fault. You are so beautiful and strong. Sharing your story was probably the bravest thing anyone could do. You would never truly be able to stomach it if you hadn't told. Your story has helped a lot of people. Thank you for this, beautiful.

  • Uie by Uie
  • 4 years ago

This was never your fault. It will take time to truly believe this, but you will and you'll feel free...

  • Kandie Miller by Kandie Miller
  • 4 years ago

Thank you for sharing your heart so openly. I'm so sorry for what happened to you when you were six. I know exactly what you went through. I, too, was raped at age 6 by my father. It didn't stop until I was twenty. I had found out I was pregnant with his baby. I, too, write poetry. It helps me a lot. Thank you again for sharing!!!
Kandie Miller

  • Jade Deans by Jade Deans
  • 5 years ago

I feel your pain, and it is hard to speak up. I was 6 when it started happening to me every week until I was 14. I'm now 30, and I'm still struggling.

  • Malak Salem by Malak Salem
  • 5 years ago

I'm very sorry to every victim. I stand by you and justice for all of you survivors. Stay strong and just know life is precious, more than you think. Take care of yourselves, boys and girls.

  • Someone by Someone
  • 5 years ago

I understand your pain as the same thing has happened to me. I am 13, and my step father started to sexually assault me at the age of 11. It carried on for a couple years as I was too scared to speak, but one day my mother read my diary and found out. I'm now currently getting help. I have an amazing, helpful boyfriend who stays on the phone with me through the night just to make sure I'm okay. You're never alone and never going to be alone. I understand and it's all going to stop and it will all be okay at someone point.

  • Perla TORREZ by Perla TORREZ
  • 7 years ago

You are the key to my life because you are the love if my life.

  • Anonymous by Anonymous
  • 7 years ago

I was raped too. Thing is I now have a wonderful boyfriend but am thinking of breaking up with him. My rapist was my ex-boyfriend and every time I talk to John (my boyfriend) I feel scared and think it will happen again. This is the first time I told anyone.

  • Rosalie  L. Triantafyllou by Rosalie L. Triantafyllou
  • 8 years ago

Please, please tell someone, please. Please, you're so young and so innocent. It's only his fault to blame. Never think it is yours to blame.

  • Jazz by Jazz
  • 9 years ago

I'm so saddened by this. I really hope that you tell your mum what's happening because you're so young and this man has taken away your innocence. I want to just hug you and tell you its all okay but I know its not and I know you will never feel the same again. I don't and its only happened to me once. Please tell someone.

  • Junior by Junior, Canada
  • 10 years ago

I'm so sorry for all that has happened. This is strange but, I just woke up from a dream where something terrible, like this, was going to happen. In the dream nobody knew what was going on, I felt so isolated and alone. Until towards the end when I ran off and phoned the police, told people, and called for help. Then things started to look better for me. I know it is just a dream but I personally doubt the fact that it was a mere coincidence for me to wake up to this poem in my email. I really hope that things are starting to look better for you. I do not know who you are but you brought tears to my eyes.
I believe that truth and justice always comes through, even in the most harshest and cruel of times. Just as the sun will always rise, each morning, bringing light to a new day. Ending the darkness of the night. Guiding those who were lost in the darkness, and showering life upon the land.

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