Mother Death Poem

Last Moments With My Mom

My mother was the strongest woman I knew. At 87 years old, she suffered a major stroke. Her left side of her brain bled. One day later, she had a massive heart attack. Two months later, another major stroke, but her memory was not affected. She was able to communicate and survived almost another 11 months. She and my dad were married 68 years. My dad and my sisters and brother sat bedside until she died. I held my mom's hand while she took her last breath. I wrote this at her bedside and read it to her.

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My Momma was the stronger woman I knew. We went to the hospital because Mom was having trouble breathing. She said maybe a day, and the next thing I knew, the doctors were talking about...

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No Goodbyes

© more by Annette R. Hershey

Published by Family Friend Poems November 2016 with permission of the Author.

Oh Father, can you hear me?
I'm sending a prayer your way,
I'm clutching hard to my faith, as mom taught me,
As she draws closer to you each day.

I talk to her in whispers,
And I hope she hears me pray.
I hope you send an angel
To guide her toward your way.

I continue to tell her I love her
And thank her for all the sacrifices she has made
And for the unconditional love,
No matter what kind of behavior I displayed.

Mom, can you hear me?
I have so much more to say.
I will continue on with your legacy.
I hope I can be as strong as you one day.

You taught me the importance of family.
I have learned from the very best.
Don't you worry yourself now, Mom,
You keep yourself at rest.

I'm sorry if I'm selfish.
I'm not ready to let go of your hand.
I'm trying to remember the message
From "Footprints In The Sand."

Dear Mom, can you please wake up?
I have not heard your voice today.
I promise I would sit and listen
To everything you want to say.

I know you are getting weary.
You are ready to go home.
I imagine you are dreaming of your Savior
Sitting upon his throne.

I hope you take my love with you,
As tears fall on your cheek.
Dear God, please carry me through this,
I'm feeling very weak.

Dear Mom, I'm very thankful
For all the years we've had.
I'm trying to remember you laughing
So I will not stay so very sad.

Through the rest of my life I will carry
All your love with me.
I promise I will be the best mom, grandmother and person
That I can possibly be.

God must think your time is almost done here.
I feel you going away,
I love you, Mom. No goodbyes.
I will see you again one day.



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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Vijay Javlekar by Vijay Javlekar
  • 1 year ago

Loss of mother is nothing but loosing a half of heart.
My great grand daughter seven years age asked me, where is she now?
I said she is everywhere but we can't see her.
We will only feel her loving presence.
We will feel her presence within.
She is in our songs, in our poems.
She will continue to be with us in every event ,with her blessings and love.
we should not cry for her, otherwise she will feel sad
Now she should be allowed to take rest.
She has done enough for us, hence her mind need peace.
Our prayers will give her joy of satisfaction.
There was a smile on my great granddaughters face.
I found my lost love in her smile !

  • Vijay Javlekar by Vijay Javlekar
  • 1 year ago

My mother passed away on 1st September 2023,due to silent massive heart attack. I was with her till the last moment. She was 88. Till mid of July her all reports were normal. No blood pressure, no diabetes, creatinine level was 1.57 which was normal as per Doctor. Doctor said what treatment we can give, when everything is normal.
But then due to loose motion, she stared loosing her energy. She started avoiding food. Due to lack of food intake, her good reports now turned out abnormal. I was praying God that she should not become bedridden. Her all movements slowed down. Whosoever comes to meet her, she used to wave her hand ,to say goodbye.
We readmitted her on 31st August. In the afternoon at about 3.00p.m, cardiologist told me to make my mind strong. Any time she will get heart attack. However the Senior cardiologist inspected her at 10.15 p.m. said that her heart pumping is normal and she is stable. I was relaxed. As I got relaxed, she passed away.
Your poem deeply touched my heart.

  • RaeRae53 by RaeRae53
  • 5 years ago

My Momma was the stronger woman I knew. We went to the hospital because Mom was having trouble breathing. She said maybe a day, and the next thing I knew, the doctors were talking about airlifting her to Rochester, MN, and putting her in the ICU. Mom was moved 2 days later to her own room. The nurses had her up walking. Mom and I were joking around like we always did, and 2 days later, a nurse was calling me to tell me Mom was gone. I yelled, “NO!” Mom was not just my momma. She was my best friend. She was my everything. Mom, I miss you terribly. I don’t know how to go on without you.

  • Belinda Cobb by Belinda Cobb
  • 6 years ago

This poem was right on point, as if you were writing most of it just for me. My mother passed away Feb. 2, 2018; she was 87 as well. She had metastatic breast cancer, and she was a strong soldier. My mom and dad were married for 68 years, and my dad passed away 2 months before she did. I miss her so, so much, but I do know she is happy and free of pain. God bless you and your family, and hang in there; God's got you!

  • Rosanna by Rosanna
  • 7 years ago

My mom passed away on Saturday, February 17, 2018. She was 94. She was a wonderful mom, and I miss her so much. I was touched by this poem.

  • Kenneth Thompson by Kenneth Thompson
  • 7 years ago

My mother left us yesterday September 9, 2017, a little before noon. She had suffered a stroke that stole her voice and her ability to move anything but her right arm. Her living will was very specific as to her wishes, so we moved her to a hospice house on Thursday. We gathered the family. She spent time with my two brothers and I, her nine grandchildren and nineteen great grandchildren. Even though she was very weak, she would reach up for every visitor and quietly hold their hand for a time. She was 88 years old, but we had hoped for many more. I came across your poem while looking for something to help me deal with the loss. Your words helped immensely with my grief. Thank you.

  • Candy Taylor by Candy Taylor
  • 7 years ago

I lost my mom on the 5th, due to a heart attack. We had an estranged relationship, and I'm having a hard time finding a poem that fits our situation. We may not have been close, but she was still my mother. My condolences to you.

  • Jowlen Robertson by Jowlen Robertson
  • 7 years ago

I lost my mom on the first of September of 2017. She had two major heart attacks, and her heart was so damaged they could not save her at all. I miss her so much.

Kenneth, I am so sorry for your loss, I know how difficult the loss of a mother is. How blessed your mom was to be surrounded by her family, and to reach out to each one! Reading your words reminds me so much of my mom and her journey. Knowing my poem has helped you is the greatest compliment I could receive. Thank you.

  • Krystle Marshe by Krystle Marshe, Dallas texas
  • 7 years ago

Absolutely amazingly written. You have a gift for writing, and I love the truth and love you put into your works. Keep them coming!

  • Brandy by Brandy
  • 7 years ago

My mom died today. She was my best friend and my heart and world, along with my children. I would love to share and read this poem at her funeral if that would be ok. She survived one massive heart attack Memorial Day and never really recovered but hung on until 6 a.m. today. I'm really devastated. She's all my kids and I had left. She was our backbone and she's gone now.

Yes, Brandy, you may share and read my poem at your dear mom's funeral. I am so sorry for your loss. It is very difficult and painful to lose your mom. I miss my mom every day. She will be gone 9 months on the 16th. Stay strong. Your mom will always be with you.

  • Lucy Chalmers Goode by Lucy Chalmers Goode
  • 7 years ago

My mama died in 1994 when I was 25 years old; she was my best friend, disciplinarian, and role model. She always was there for me through the good and bad times. I could talk to her about anything. She taught how to take care of myself as well as how to be a strong woman. She gave me unconventional love. Now I don't have no one to love me like she did.

  • Katrina L. Moore by Katrina L. Moore
  • 8 years ago

This was a very well-put poem. It made tears fall down my cheeks as I remember watching my dear daddy slowly pass on from this life and go home to be with our Savior. I know that heaven is so real by the look on my daddy's face as he reached up toward Nothing we could See, but I know an Angel was standing there to lead him home. Daddy, I miss you so much, and the 50 years that mom and you were together never leaves her for she still talks to you in her sleep. But no goodbyes. One day we will all be together again. Thank you for this heartfelt, beautiful poem. It was very good.

Thank you, so much for sharing your story! It touches my heart knowing others can connect to my poem. No goodbyes..

  • 8 years ago

A beautiful heartfelt poem; may you have many happy memories.

Thank you! I have been blessed with many wonderful memories.

  • Rebell by Rebell
  • 8 years ago

That is very pretty. It really touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes.

Thank you for reading my poem and taking the time to let me know it touched your heart. Hearing from other readers is heartwarming to me.

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