Loss Poem

Poem About A Lost Love

This poem is for people like me who did not realize how much they loved a person until that person was no more. My entire life he had been there to support me, but when I was crying bitterly for him, he did not come to wipe away my tears or say that he loves me.

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This poem really touched my heart. After reading this poem I can say that your poems are most effective poems. I really want to say thanks to you for writing this wonderful poem. It really...

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My Lost Love

© more by Soumyanetra Pal

Published by Family Friend Poems January 2016 with permission of the Author.

I remember the time
When you would bring home chocolates you'd received at school
Just so that you could give them to me
And watch me smile.
Every time you'd say, "I love you!"
And I almost did...

I remember the time
When you would save your pocket money to buy saplings
Just so that I could plant them in my garden
And watch them grow.
Every time you'd say,  "I love you!"
And I almost did...

I remember the time
When you'd take me to the fair to ride the Ferris wheel
Just so that I could hold you tight
And scream my lungs out.
Every time you'd, say "I love you!"
And I almost did...

I remember the time
When you were down with cancer and you'd still smile
Just so that you could hide your pain
And make me smile.
Every time you'd say, "I love you!"
And I almost did...

I remember the time
When we met for the last time in the churchyard
Just so that the ground could suck you in
And take you away forever
This time you didn't say, "I love you!"
But I did...


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Aparna Thakur by Aparna Thakur
  • 8 years ago

This poem really touched my heart. After reading this poem I can say that your poems are most effective poems. I really want to say thanks to you for writing this wonderful poem. It really made me realize the feeling of lost love. I can not share my personal feelings but it really hurts when someone who is very close to you goes to a place where you can not reach and when you reach you have left no feelings for her. She might be your grandma, maternal grandma. You cried a lot for her but after sometime you forgot. But today after reading this poem you realize you lost love.

  • Susan Hansen by Susan Hansen
  • 9 years ago

I can relate to this... I recently lost my boyfriend to a very sad, and often thought unnecessary death. Even though he is actually living now with me, I still often think about how much I really missed him while he was dead. I will never forget that very day he died...

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