Dying Poem

I wrote this when I found out my grandpa was dying of cancer

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I have a grandfather that is 72 and is really sick he can't even get out of his bed I feel really bad for him. I love him a lot but there isn't anything I can do for him. He has been through...

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My Grandpa Is Sick


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2008 with permission of the Author.

My grandpa is sick,
His timer of life,
Almost out of ticks,
He's in so much pain,
Yet has nothing to gain,
God this I pray,
Please don't take him away,
A great grandpa,
Loved by us all,
If I lost him,
I'd die deep within,
To lose someone close to me,
Is worse than dying myself.


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  • Lorrie Melanson by Lorrie Melanson, Winchester NH
  • 13 years ago

I have a grandfather that is 72 and is really sick he can't even get out of his bed I feel really bad for him. I love him a lot but there isn't anything I can do for him. He has been through so many surgeries and nothing has happened with him. He is so stubborn they told my grandmother that if he went through any more surgeries that he would die on the table. I really hope that he doesn't die because I would freak out because he was more like a brother to me than a grandfather. I loved him to death.

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