Abuse Poem by Teens

My Father Broke Me

I am a girl of only 16, and yet I wear a mask of someone much older. My step-father who lived with us since I was 3 sexually abused me. I hope someone gets something, anything out of my poem.

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I've been through this too. If only I knew better then to let my father.... This happened for 6 years and kept happening until I finally turned him in....Yes it was hard but girls we must be...

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Published by Family Friend Poems April 2009 with permission of the Author.

No one knows me
Not the real soul
They see my mask
Deceiving them is my goal

No one will know
No one will find
No one will search
They leave me behind

I try to keep up
To be like them
But I know I'll never
Ever be the same as them

I lost my innocence
And that's what they have
My father broke me
Into two halves

One was a joyful child
Filled with hopes
But that was a mask
I'll show you the ropes

All you have to do is pretend
Become an actress
Seem not to care
Become weightless, airless

But not really
It's a mask.

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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Erica by Erica
  • 14 years ago

I've been through this too. If only I knew better then to let my father.... This happened for 6 years and kept happening until I finally turned him in....Yes it was hard but girls we must be strong and let our voices be heard if not they will keep doing their "needs"..

  • Kristin by Kristin
  • 14 years ago

Wearing a mask, wears us out. Faking it, is fatiguing. Confront it! Don't suppress it or it will eat you inside like cancer. Stare it right in the face and say, "I will not be a victim of my circumstance. What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger. My dreams are bigger than my sorrow. My heart is bigger than yours. I surrender to love, not pain. I choose to forgive, not hate. I will not be taken with the undertow. Pain is a reminder that I am still alive inside. I will rise above. I WILL achieve happiness. I am safe in the shadow of the cross. Jesus said, "I make all things new". I am made new.. he has calmed the storm in my heart and I am forever grateful.

  • Kesi Miwa by Kesi Miwa
  • 14 years ago

I have been through the same crap, I know how it is to wear nothing more than a mask. I was beat and raped for years. believe me when I say you're not alone, I still wear masks to this day, in fact I have so many masks that I don't even know who the real me is anymore. so stay strong and keep writing

  • Sammy Peltier by Sammy Peltier
  • 14 years ago

I have been though the same shit but its happened twice I've been writing poem since I was 8 years old, and you're not alone. Not everyone gets their happy ever after and I'll be right there beside you and we can make our own safe house .....I'm stilling hiding under this mask ....I don't wanna get out it to hard to face the world for what I really see it as

  • Nina by Nina
  • 15 years ago

Hi, my name is Nina, and 5 years ago my mother married my step dad... that first Christmas with him was the first day he sexually abused me. I was barely 8, and I was so scared.. I didn't know any better, I let him sexually abuse me... rape me... for 5 years.. then I told.. and now its all out in the open.. but everything is still not okay.. the nightmares, the crying, the screaming, the cutting, the depression... it ruined my life you know??? I was just an innocent young girl.. and now I'm broken.. forever

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