Smartest, hottest, most popular girl
She flashes a smile that would make your vision swirl
Silky brown hair down to her waist
Everyone she meets, she will embrace
Such a perfect girl with a warm, kind heart
No one knows the secrets that tear her apart
Perfect tan skin that never ceases to amuse
Choosing clothes that will hide the bruises
Strutting down the halls with unbeatable grace
No one knows the torture she has to face
She watched the clock with a sad, broken face
As soon someone approaches, the smile is back in place
When she comes home, it is impossible to smile
He breaks her body and spirit in such a violent style
She arrives home, desperately hoping he wasn't there
As he calls her from his room, her eyes fills with despair
Her eyes start watering, knowing what is to come
Just imagining the bloody mess she was to become
Her body shaking, she heads up the stairs
Hoping God will answer her prayers
She starts stripping her clothes along the way
Again, not knowing if it was her last day
She reaches his room, not daring to look in his eyes
Silently crying, as he runs his hands up her thighs
He lays her down and the painful sting returns
No matter how many times it happens, it still burns
It continues for hours, then it comes to an end
She wakes up the next morning, sore, ready to pretend
That she is perfect, that she is okay
Putting on makeup and shutting the pain away
She fixes herself and looks in the mirror
"That's not me," the thought becomes clearer
Her trademark smile is in perfect place
The sadness is blocked away from her face
She feels she could collapse under the strain
She heads out the door, repeating the cycle again
This is an amazing story... I haven't exactly been abused in this way, but in the way I was, I can still remember the trauma sometimes. And the sorrow, thinking that everyone I ever met would...
Broken Smile
Published by Family Friend Poems December 2013 with permission of the Author.
That's gotta be hard. Are you still living with them? You should have gone to the police. My best friend's teacher was just about to molest her and she slapped him but got in-school suspension for it. The teacher didn't get into any kind of trouble.